Ex-NBA star questions Warriors ace Stephen Curry’s self-proclaimed GOAT PG status

The discussion of who is the best point guard of all time has heated up in the midst of the ongoing argument about the greatest player of all time, stoked by Stephen Curry’s confident claim that he is the best point guard in NBA history. There are others who agree with Curry, but most people still think Magic Johnson should keep the title.

But in this continuous discussion, Robert Horry stands out. The former player “Big Shot Bob” introduces a new angle by bringing up Isiah Thomas, in contrast to others who staunchly support Magic. Horry’s position provides a new angle on the age-old debate by highlighting how difficult it is to single out one player as the greatest point guard of all time.

Robert Horry cites Isiah Thomas to counter Curry’s GOAT PG claim

Robert Horry is alone in his assessment of the Golden State Warriors superstar as the best point guard in NBA history. Even though most people would choose Magic Johnson, Horry puts out an alternative in the form of Isiah Thomas.

“I wouldn’t say he’s the best point guard ever. And the reason I’m saying this is because how do you define a point guard? Because to me, you have to put Isiah in that conversation. I know a lot of people shit on Isiah. Isiah Thomas a fu*** hell of a point guard – could score, could assist,”

Horry’s study considers more than just attacking prowess. He emphasizes Thomas’s defensive prowess, which is overlooked in light of his offensive prowess. It’s easy to forget about Thomas’s prowess in one-on-one situations. While Stephen Curry has improved greatly as a defender, Horry points out that he is still not an elite defender.

“When you talk about good point guards, you talk about both ends; I never heard someone say Stephen Curry was a great defender. I’m not disrespecting Steph at all, but when I look at the game of basketball, I look at both ends. Are you elite on both ends? He’s the best shooting point guard ever,” Horry added.

The defensive efforts of Isiah Thomas are frequently overlooked. He had a strong all-around game, averaging 1.9 stls per game despite his diminutive frame and 3.6 rebs per game in the NBA. Horry’s view emphasizes the complexity of determining a point guard’s brilliance.

Stephen Curry entered the GOAT PG debate with bold assertion

Stephen Curry made a brazen claim to be the best point guard of all time, entering the GOAT PG argument. While acknowledging Magic Johnson’s “ridiculous” resume, Curry firmly placed himself above the Lakers great in a talk with retired star Gilbert Arenas.

“Yes,” Curry said on “Gil’s Arena” when asked by Gilbert Arenas if Stephen Curry is the best point guard ever. “Yes. It’s me and Magic [Johnson)? That’s the conversation?” Steph asked. “Obviously, I have to answer it that way. But I really feel like, to your point, Magic’s resume is ridiculous. So, the fact that we’re even having that conversation, that’s a place I never thought I’d be in,” Chef Curry said. “To your point of how you grade it and the whole conversation, that’s why we have the conversation. Because it’s fun. It’s measuring eras against each other.”

“That’s what basketball, that’s what sports is all about. That’s why people watch. That’s why people get in heated debates about it. I love it. So, you put me on my own team, I’m going to rep myself for sure.”

Magic Johnson had an impressive career, highlighted by his 12 All-Star selections, 5 NBA titles, and 3 MVP awards, despite the fact that Curry’s view may differ from the conventional wisdom. Johnson’s ability to play multiple positions, including center in a pivotal NBA Finals game, contributed to his legendary stature.

At age 35, Stephen Curry has already accomplished a lot thanks to his amazing shooting ability and his 2022 championship with the Golden State Warriors. His impact goes beyond his playing days, as he helped change the nature of the NBA by highlighting three-point shooting. While the GOAT discussion may continue, there is no denying Curry’s legacy and Hall of Fame credentials.

Sami Haider

482 articles

Sami Haider is an NBA writer at SportsKnot. His foray into basketball scriptwriting started in 2020, when he was enthralled by the Los Angeles Lakers' NBA championship victory. His previous experience was limited to dribbling and dunking as a neighborhood kid. His insightful writings show how much he loves the sport. His writing goes beyond numbers and scores, giving readers a unique viewpoint on the players, teams, and events that define the basketball scene. Whether you're a die-hard fan or a casual observer, Sami's work is essential for anybody trying to expand their knowledge and love of the NBA.


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