Chiefs RB Clyde Edwards-Helaire protects Kansas City teen during Super Bowl Parade shooting

Following their historic back-to-back Super Bowl victory, the Kansas City Chiefs gathered for the much-anticipated Chiefs parade to share the joy of their journey with their adoring fanbase. Nevertheless, the festivities of nearly one million fans took a somber turn when a dispute escalated into a tragic shooting incident, casting a shadow over the celebration.

Meanwhile, being known for his prowess in protecting the quarterback on the field, Chiefs running back Clyde Edwards-Helaire demonstrated his commitment to duty both on and off the field amidst the turmoil.

Clyde Edwards-Helaire protects local teen during shooting

While everyone was running to and fro in fear for their lives, one local teen named Zach Cotten was separated from his father in the hysteria. The 13-year-old Zach was fortunate to encounter Clyde Edwards-Helaire, who went out of his way to ensure his safety and guide him to safety amidst the turmoil.

Zach’s father attempted to contact his son, but the rapid sequence of events made communication difficult. Fortunately, Clyde intervened and reassured the boy’s father that the young boy was safe under his care.

“He said, ‘I don’t know where I am,’ but he handed me the phone and it was Clyde. I didn’t know it was Clyde. I didn’t know who it was. He said, ‘I have your son. Your son is safe. He’s ok,” said Chris Cotten, per KCTV5.

Zach described the moment when the crowd erupted into chaos, with everyone scrambling to escape the perceived threat. The boy sought refuge in the players’ area, desperately searching for an exit amidst the confusion while he found the Chiefs’ running back’s help.

“Somebody yelled, ‘Shooter!’ and everybody starts running,” said Zach. “I’m panicking because I don’t know where to go. I run into the players room to find the nearest exit. I’m back there panicking, don’t know what to do because I was by myself.”

Zach’s mother took to social media to express her appreciation for the Chiefs’ player who had come to her son’s aid during the crisis.

Upon learning of the mother’s heartfelt post, the star player responded on social media, expressing gratitude to Zach for placing his trust in him and affirming his commitment to ensuring the boy’s safety.

Jackson Mahomes follows Clyde Edwards-Helaire’s step

Amidst the celebrations honoring his brother’s triumph on the field, Patrick Mahomes’ brother, Jackson Mahomes, made a notable appearance at the Chiefs’ parade. Despite facing previous criticism for his controversial behavior, Jackson’s appearance during the parade painted him in a different light.

One Twitter user named @jess6mami expressed newfound respect for Jackson Mahomes after witnessing his compassionate actions during the parade. According to the user’s post, Jackson was seen comforting a child who had become separated from his parents during the distressing situation.

“I don’t care what anyone says but I have found a new found respect for Jackson Mahomes. Ana and I were stuck hiding with him at union station by the trains and he was taking care of a child who lost his parents and helping him calm down,” X user @jess6mami posted Wednesday.

The compassionate gesture that Clyde Edwards-Helaire and Jackson displayed is bound to leave a lasting impression on those who observed it as the day was marked by the loss of one life and injuries to at least 22 others.

Shabiha Akter

1227 articles

Shabiha, once a casual observer, has morphed into a die-hard NFL fan. She carefully dissects every play, trade, and strategy. Whether it's breaking down game highlights or predicting playoff outcomes, Shabiha is your go-to source for all things NFL.


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