What is NBA’s new flopping penalty? Examining the changes set for new season

The NBA has decided to make some changes to improve sportsmanship among the players in the league. This change will impact a lot of actions in a game but it would be only effective in making players more cautious of their actions.

Like every other change in the NBA, this one is crucial and would play a significant role in the future of how the games are played. Monty McCutchen gave out an explanation about the new rule and how it would be identified by the NBA officials and lastly what would the consequences be for the players who commit the foul.

NBA’s flopping penalty: explained

The new rule about to be introduced will target the act of flopping or the players who flop a lot in general. McCutchen specified the parameters to identify a flop and ensue punishment. The STEM protocol is the basis to identify a flopping player.

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Secondary, Theatrical, Excessive, Movement (STEM) or in simple words, the actions that fall into these categories after a contact will be deemed as a flop. The punishment ensued for the fault would be a non-sportsman-like technical foul.

As per the official NBA website, “The offending player will be charged with a non-unsportsmanlike technical foul — which means it will not count toward an ejection — and the opposing team will be awarded one free throw.”

So even the excessive flailing of the arms during game can land a player with $2000 worth of penalty.

LeBron James leading candidate to receive season’s first flopping penalty

After this new rule is implemented, LeBron James is among the athletes in the NBA that could be the first ones to receive a fine. LeBron has a habit of exaggerate responses and it clearly goes against the STEM protocol.

The flopping fouls won’t actually result in player ejection. As a player need two unsportsman-like fouls to get ejected whereas the flopping foul is not directly considered for ejection. McCutchen has stated that he wants to not decrease but eliminated this kind of behaviour from the players to nourish them with integrity and maintain the high level of competitiveness in the league.

What do you think of the rule change? Do you think LeBron will be the very first to get it? We would love to hear your opinion, so drop down in the comments and share your thoughts.

Avi Shravan

416 articles

Avi Shravan is an anime, games and sports enthusiast who likes NBA and Soccer. He is an avid reader who loves to write as well. You can find him reading books in a cafe or playing games if he is not watching his favourite team play. You can contact him on [email protected]


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