Boxing legend Mike Tyson once allegedly offered zookeeper $10,000 to let him fight with silverback gorilla

Mike Tyson is hailed as one of the most formidable boxers in boxing history. Mike’s intimidating presence inside the ring was matched by his off-the-ring persona, which also held a terrifying allure.

Among the captivating stories of his life, one that continues to intrigue fans is his offer of monetary compensation to a zookeeper for a chance to fight a gorilla. Additionally, his ownership of tigers as pets remains a fascinating and interesting aspect of his life.

Mike Tyson once offered zookeeper money to let him fight a gorilla

Beyond his career facing heavyweight boxers, the terrifying Tyson expressed a genuine desire to take on gorillas, which may come as a surprising revelation to many. The “Baddest Man on the Planet” admitted to this ambitious aspiration, showcasing his daring mindset.

“We got to the gorilla cage there was one big silverback gorilla there just bullying all the other gorillas. I offered the attendant $10,000 to open the cage & let me smash that silverback’s snot box. He declined.” Mike said.

The outcome of the hypothetical fight between Mike Tyson and a gorilla will remain a mystery, but taking basic knowledge regarding animal anatomy into account, it seems rather likely that the once heavyweight champ wouldn’t have walked out unscathed or alive for that matter.

Watch: Mike Tyson casually plays with his pet tiger

Tyson’s ownership of a pet tiger garnered widespread attention, revealing his extravagant lifestyle beyond the boxing ring. The sight of the boxing legend bonding with the majestic tiger captivated the public.

Tyson later revealed that during his time in jail, one of his friends, who he bought exotic cars from, threatened to trade the cars for animals if a debt wasn’t paid. This led to Tyson acquiring the tiger as a unique addition to his possessions.

‘What kind of animals?’ He said, ‘Horses and stuff. Mike, they also have some nice tigers and lions. If you had one of those, that would be great,’ I asked, ‘Why don’t you order me a pair? I’ll be out in a couple of months.’ So when I got out I came home and I had two cubs.” Mike said.

However, over time, concerns arose about the safety and legality of keeping a tiger as a pet, sparking controversy and objections from animal rights activists. Realizing the challenges of responsibly caring for such a wild and powerful animal, Tyson ultimately decided to part ways with ‘Kenya’.

Khandaker Muntasir

180 articles

Khandaker Muntasir Hossain is not only passionate about astronomy and gastronomy but also possesses a deep love for writing, researching, and reading. His love for sports, combined with his writing prowess, has enabled him to excel in creating captivating sports contents. Exploring an array of sports domains—from soccer and basketball to MMA and boxing—Muntasir offers comprehensive coverage to satiate your thirst for sports knowledge.


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