Despite not featuring in Heat’s defeat to Timberwolves, Jimmy Butler mocks Minnesota supporters by blowing kisses

The Miami Heat star Jimmy Butler is upholding his savage image in the NBA community with his latest act in front of the Timberwolves fanbase. Butler, known for being a bit outspoken, has previously made headlines many times due to his statements or antics on the court.

Lately, Butler has been a bit off and has expressed his displeasure over the trade of Damian Lillard to the Milwaukee Bucks. Lillard had expressed his desire to join the Heat but ended up with the Bucks, which didn’t sit right with Butler. However, he recently engaged in his latest antic against the Minnesota Timberwolves.

Jimmy Butler blows kisses to Minnesota fans

The Minnesota Timberwolves were matched up against the Miami Heat during the final quarter of the game. The Wolves had the lead, but the Heat were not far behind. The crowd started to chant “Where’s Jimmy?” chants. These chants were meant to tease the Miami Heat and throw them off a little, which is expected from any home crowd. Butler had not participated in the match and was watching the game from the sidelines.

In response to the chants, Jimmy Butler got up and blew a couple of flying kisses towards the Minnesota crowd to mock them back. He has been a key player for the Miami Heat for some time now and the fans and the community recognize him as the face of the Miami Heat. Butler’s actions proved that he did not care about the teasing and chants and took them as a source to build his confidence, which is essential for a locker room leader.

Jimmy Butler once again skips games against Timberwolves

It looks like the Miami Heat star Jimmy Butler does not like to compete against the Minnesota Timberwolves. He did not participate in the recent matchup and this was his fourth straight game where he has sat out in a match against the Minnesota Timberwolves.

It could also be a strategy that the head coach of the Miami Heat has planned. Butler has dealt with knee and ankle injuries throughout his career, and resting him could be a strategy to keep him healthy for the entire season. Even though Butler didn’t participate, the Miami Heat were able to secure a win against the Timberwolves.

Jimmy Butler
Credit: getty

What do you think about Jimmy Butler’s antics against the Timberwolves fans? We are eager to know your thoughts, so drop down in the comments section and let us know.

Avi Shravan

416 articles

Avi Shravan is an anime, games and sports enthusiast who likes NBA and Soccer. He is an avid reader who loves to write as well. You can find him reading books in a cafe or playing games if he is not watching his favourite team play. You can contact him on [email protected]


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