After banning Polyana Viana from cosplaying during the walkout, UFC receives harsh criticism from fans: “No fun allowed”

Numerous UFC fighters draw inspiration from Japanese anime and Eastern culture, reflecting their interests through various means, including cosplaying as characters. Interestingly, Polyana Viana is known for her regular cosplay of Japanese cartoon characters.

Despite the significance of the walkout to the arena as a platform for fighters to express themselves and their interests, UFC has upheld regulations that restrict fighters from surpassing certain limits during their walkouts.

UFC bans Polyana Viana from cosplaying during the walkout

The newest ban regulations regarding fighter’s walkout to the arena include Polyana Viana not being allowed to wear an anime character costume during her walkout, showcasing UFC’s strict approach to maintaining their standards.

Naturally, this wasn’t well received by Viana, who loves to cosplay as Naruto, one of the most popular anime characters out there. Ahead of her fight against Iasmin Lucindo on the main card of UFC on ESPN 51 this Saturday at the UFC Apex in Las Vegas, Viana has expressed her disappointment.

“I’ve tried with like a blank bandana. I can’t. Apparently, Naruto is a brand that does not allow it or something like that. I’ve tried so many times. I’ve asked. They never let me do it, but if I could, I definitely would.” Viana said.

The strawweight fighter is frustrated with the UFC’s stance on not permitting her to showcase her affinity for anime through her clothing choices during her walkout.

MMA fans brutally criticize the UFC for the Polyana Viana cosplay ban

Numerous MMA enthusiasts rallied behind Viana, expressing their strong disapproval of UFC’s stringent stance. They voiced their anger at the organization for not permitting fighters to express their individuality by donning personalized attire, aligning with Viana’s perspective.

“I fuckin hate that the UFC doesn’t allow their athletes to express themselves more. But if I’m poly instead of doing the entire outfit just do the wig or something like that. Like Adesanya does.” a user said.

Arthur pointed out that Dana is just frustrated for not getting the chance to organize Elon Musk vs Mark Zuckerberg fight as he said,” Dana is furious he lost the Musk/Zuck fight and is taking it out on Polyana. This needs to stop.”

“I miss the uniqueness of the shorts and walk-out gear. The UFC wants to promote the UFC, not the fighters.” another user said.

Raji, however, is supporting the regulations set by UFC as he commented: “No fun allowed this is a serious athletic competition. Also, tune in to power slap.”

A user expressed happiness as Viana is back into the octagon after two canceled fights, by stating: “Bummer. But just glad to see her fight again. It’s been a while. And she the underdog this time.”

“The ufc wants to reach younger audiences by letting nelk ruin their rep and with the slap fighting bullcrap but then won’t allow a simple cosplay? Sometimes they make no sense,” Qintz said.

Hebi has a different viewpoint as he said: “If she was gonna do a Naruto cosplay, then glad that they didn’t allow. Pick some better characters.” It looks like Hebi isn’t much of a Naruto fan.

Another user pointed out the preference for Dana White by saying, “Maybe if she wins a title she can have a special entrance but other than that Dana has hated Pride/ProWrestling entrances.”

“Why would they? They’re trying to be a legit sport and have uniform like the big 4 in North America. It’s cool to see the odd thing with the big stars like Izzy with the undertaker hat and urn, and Khabib with his head dress, but let’s not get ridiculous. ” Jeff Mcdonald said.

What is your take on fighters cosplaying during the walkout? Share your thoughts with us in the comment section.

Khandaker Muntasir

180 articles

Khandaker Muntasir Hossain is not only passionate about astronomy and gastronomy but also possesses a deep love for writing, researching, and reading. His love for sports, combined with his writing prowess, has enabled him to excel in creating captivating sports contents. Exploring an array of sports domains—from soccer and basketball to MMA and boxing—Muntasir offers comprehensive coverage to satiate your thirst for sports knowledge.


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