Did Joe Rogan subtlety hint Conor McGregor used drugs to recover? UFC commentator hopes to see more lax anti-doping rules

The Joe Rogan Experience, the world’s most popular podcast, recently featured Derek MPMD as a guest. Derek MPMD is a Canadian bodybuilder and entrepreneur who specializes in fitness, bodybuilding, and dating advice.

Conor McGregor and the USADA were one of the main topics of discussion in their conversations. McGregor recently entered the USADA testing pool after he pulled out during his recovery period from the leg break. Derek MPMD has the opinion that McGregor showed aftereffects of steroid use.

Did Joe Rogan hints Conor McGregor use steroids to recover?

Joe Rogan witnessed Conor McGregor’s ascent from a brash, outspoken youngster to a double champion. Rogan conducted interviews with McGregor after every success and setback inside the octagon.

Nearly all the iconic octagon moments, aside from fighting, also involved Rogan. During an in-depth discussion with Derek MPMD, Rogan subtly hinted at the rumored steroid use of Conor McGregor through his comments.

“I think in a perfect world, professional athletes would utilize everything possible to get the best possible performance,” said Rogan. “Again, my only concern would be young people ruining their endocrine system,” Rogan further added.

Rogan is not against the idea of fighters taking steroids but what worries him is young athletes using it that could damage one’s endocrine system. Rogan also said, “I certainly support guys taking things to recover from injuries, like Conor did with his leg injury. 100%, no question about it. I’m 100% all in on that.”

Joe Rogan undergoes Testosterone Replacement Therapy, a treatment banned in MMA. Before USADA, numerous UFC fighters competed after receiving Testosterone Replacement Therapy. Additionally, Rogan advocates for the legalization of marijuana, which was once a banned substance in MMA.

Joe Rogan wants UFC to introduce more lax anti-doping rules

Joe Rogan expressed dissatisfaction with the policies and procedures of USADA, stating, “I have heard that they’re not going to let them take BPC 157, and I’m like, ‘What the fuck are you doing?'” Rogan shared this sentiment with Derek MPMD, an expert in the field. However, Rogan appears to be okay with the UFC’s new anti-doping partner, Drug-Free Sports International.

Drug-Free Sports International is the antidoping partner of the NHL and the NBA where the doping policies are very lax. “I would imagine it’s going to be a little more lax, and I would support that,” Rogan said of the UFC’s partnership with Drug-Free Sports International.

Nevertheless, Joe Rogan does not believe that Mystic Mac will be able to perform at a higher level due to the leg break. However, with lax anti-doping rules from January of 2024, fighters will be able to recover faster and enhance endurance which are key in the fight game.

Rogan is a proponent of free thought and believes in little to no intervention from the government. It is one of the reasons why he shifted his residence from California to Austin, Texas.

Do you agree with Joe Rogan’s take on steroid use? Leave your comments below!


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