Travis Kelce shares candid thoughts on rumors of Bill Belichick being sacked next season: “Wild to even think about”

The Kansas City Chiefs finally found their stride, ending a two-game losing streak with a 27-17 victory over the New England Patriots. Travis Kelce’s team bolstered their playoff aspirations, while Bill Belichick’s squad left the field with six losses in their last seven games, casting uncertainty over the future of their head coach.

Despite closing the night with a win, Kelce felt a heavy heart after he embraced Belichick after the game, allowing him to convey his inner thoughts on the rumors surrounding the potential exit of the Patriots’ coach.

Travis Kelce talks about Bill Belichick’s future

For Travis Kelce, facing off against Belichick is an annual challenge that he regards as the toughest job in the NFL. Postgame, Kelce expressed his deep admiration for the legendary head coach, acknowledging the formidable task of confronting a Belichick-led defense.

“I have all the respect in the world for that guy. Every single time I go up against him — it’s the toughest job in the NFL to go up against a Belichick defense,” Kelce remarked, per

The sentiment echoed by the Chiefs’s tight end finds resonance within the Patriots’ legacy, especially for players like Rob Gronkowski. As Gronk reflected on the prospect of seeing Belichick coach another team without the Patriots, he acknowledged the emotional difficulty of such a scenario.

While contemplating the notion of the Patriots without Belichick, Travis Kelce revealed the challenge of envisioning such a scenario. His acknowledgment proves Belichick’s indelible contribution to the Patriots, a team with a storied history of six Super Bowl victories.

“The fact you just said that, I mean yeah, that’s wild to even think about. But I got a feeling that guy has some football left in him.”

Following the hard-fought battle between the Patriots and the Chiefs, Bill Belichick departed from his customary postgame routine, choosing to linger on the field. Amid the controlled chaos that typically follows the final seconds of an NFL game, Belichick sought out Chief’s luminaries Patrick Mahomes, Travis Kelce, and Chris Jones to share words of support and respect with the trio before making his way to the Patriots’ locker room.

Nevertheless, for the fans, the coach may be a “cry baby” or someone failing to reach his destination consecutively, yet for NFL legend Tom Brady, Belichick is the “best coach of the NFL”.

Bill Belichick exit rumors

In the tumultuous journey of the Patriots’ season, the specter of Bill Belichick’s departure has loomed like a shadow, prompting waves of speculation and uncertainty. The whispers of Belichick’s potential exit surfaced early in the season, coinciding with the Patriots’ struggles on the field.

Jeff Howe’s report in The Athletic initially fueled the rumors, suggesting the team owner’s contemplation of parting ways with their long-tenured head coach. However, the situation took an abrupt turn during the offseason when reports of a contract extension emerged, extinguishing the flames of uncertainty and confirming Belichick’s continued presence at the helm.

As the Patriots grappled with a series of losses and found themselves out of the playoff race, the embers of speculation reignited. Reports surfaced, hinting that the initial rumors might have held more truth than initially perceived.

Insider information hinted at a predetermined destination for Belichick beyond New England, aligning with the team’s readiness to sever ties.

The potential scenarios surrounding Belichick’s future became a topic of intense discussion. Would he resign, be fired, traded, or gracefully retire? The enigmatic coach, known for his guarded demeanor, offered little insight into his plans, responding to inquiries about his New England fate with a succinct, “I’m getting ready for Kansas City.”

Meanwhile, the Krafts, the influential owners of the Patriots, have maintained a public silence on the matter, leaving fans and analysts alike to decipher the cryptic signals emerging from Foxborough. 

Shabiha Akter

1227 articles

Shabiha, once a casual observer, has morphed into a die-hard NFL fan. She carefully dissects every play, trade, and strategy. Whether it's breaking down game highlights or predicting playoff outcomes, Shabiha is your go-to source for all things NFL.


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