Cody Rhodes floats idea of remodelling Undisputed WWE Championship ahead of WrestleMania 40

In preparation for his second shot at glory at WrestleMania 40, Cody Rhodes is determined to leave his mark on WrestleMania history. An exciting main event clash between the American Nightmare and Roman Reigns promises to be an iconic moment in wrestling history.

Just to keep things interesting, Rhodes has hinted that the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship would get a new look if he won the title. However, it remains uncertain whether fans are on board with this idea.

Cody Rhodes floats idea of remodelling Undisputed WWE Championship ahead of WrestleMania 40

Cody Rhodes’s career since his 2022 WWE return has been packed with highs and lows, failures and successes. Injuries and devastating defeats weren’t enough to discourage him; he continued to keep going.

The American Nightmare won the Royal Rumble earlier this year, which left him in a position to challenge Roman Reigns second time for the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship at WrestleMania. Additionally, he recently made a claim about redesigning the Universal title before their contest.

Cody Rhodes
via fightfans

A high-stakes tag team bout featuring Rhodes and Seth Rollins will take off against The Rock and Roman Reigns on Night 1 at WrestleMania 40. The main event between Reigns and Rhodes will be extra heated since it follows Bloodline Rules if they lose. A historic victory for Rhodes against Reigns on Night Two and the title would be an act of legend, claimed by the fans.

Amidst mounting speculation, Cody Rhodes made a daring declaration at a recent WWE World event, saying that he intends to reimagine the WWE Universal Championship belt design in the case of his victory against Reigns. He emphasized, “If I do [win the Championship] maybe we change how the title looks.”

However, the American Nightmare had already said something interesting before this about what he’d do if he had lost. He hinted at a possible career change to wrestling commentary, which was somewhat surprising.

Cody Rhodes to contemplate on commentary duty if he loses at WrestleMania 40

This is the stage in Cody Rhodes’ journey when he has to get over his crushing loss to Roman Reigns at WrestleMania 39. Fans’ loyal support has given him another chance to change history on the biggest stage. However, what if he fails miserably again?

Cody Rhodes
via twitter

Rhodes made an appearance on “First Take” on ESPN before the WWE World event. While talking, he remembered his father’s failure to headline the company’s major event and how he wished he had been there last year at WrestleMania.

For this second opportunity, Rhodes is thankful, but he also knows he must seize it. However, if he fails to secure victory at WrestleMania 40, he admitted, “Well, if I don’t finish the story, I might as well move over to commentary at that point. I might as well hit the booth.”

Who do you think will win the Universal Championship title in the Shows of the Immortals? Share your thoughts in the comment section.

Robin Ahmed

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Oh, hi, this is Md Robin Ahmed, a WWE fan and I everyday go through a slew of popular WWE stories on Sportszion. Watching Big Show's Showstopper was the beginning of my passion for WWE, though I have to say that his Chokeslam is not one of my favorite moves. Over time, my love for professional wrestling has intensified, mostly due to the Shield, and my all-time favorite wrestler in WWE is Big Dog. I would give everything to be able to be within a few feet of him to witness his iconic Superman Punch and Spear. My major is engineering, but I'm most happy when I'm doing something artistic that doesn't put me under any pressure. Watching them wrestle and discuss their matches is always fun for me. And I've finally discovered a career that gives me fun since it allows me to with my dream heroes lifestyle. So, Welcome! I'd love to hear from you on LinkedIn and Facebook.


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