Concerns Mount as Milwaukee Bucks Struggle Under Doc Rivers

The Milwaukee Bucks raised a lot of eyebrows when they decided to take a bold step and sack their successful head coach Adrian Griffin to bring in Doc Rivers. Many people speculated that it was a move by the franchise to ensure better results.

However, things haven’t turned out as one would have expected. The Bucks are struggling with the new coaching and are a shadow of their dominant form under Griffin. Stephen A. Smith has issued a fair warning to the newly appointed Bucks coach.

Insights into Stephen A. Smith’s concerns regarding Doc Rivers’ coaching tenure with the Bucks

Popular NBA analyst Stephen A. Smith has shown concerns regarding the coaching tenure of Doc Rivers after the recent negative results of the Bucks. The Bucks have only won one game in the last five games they played. Although it is a small number of games to be judgemental of Rivers, Smith could not hold his thoughts.

“Do I believe that Doc Rivers will get it all together? Well, here is the reality: He better. If he does not if Doc Rivers does not get it together… I have said it before and I will say it again…this will be his last head coaching job in his NBA career. He has already been a head coach for 24 years and this will be it. Orlando and Boston, the Clippers and the Philadelphia 76ers, and now the Milwaukee Bucks,” said Smith recently expressing his thoughts about Doc Rivers’ tenure with the Bucks.

Potential consequences for Doc Rivers’ coaching career

Doc Rivers has taken on a very tough job and he admitted that he realizes the seriousness of the situation he is in. Coaching the Bucks is not an easy task, especially with the high-caliber players present in the squad.

The biggest problem for Rivers right now would be to make the Bucks transition from the previous playing style under Griffin and make them fit into his tactics and strategy. Under Griffin, the Bucks were an offensive Juggernauts crushing every team that crossed paths with them.

Doc Rivers
Credits: getty

The defense of the Bucks under Griffin was abysmal. They even allowed the Detroit Pistons, the weakest offensive team this season, to score more than 100 points against them. This was the alarm bell for the Bucks’ management, influencing their decision to bring in Rivers. Now that Rivers has arrived, his most important task is to create a balance between offense and defense for the franchise.

The Bucks’ performance and positive record have made them championship favorites, especially with the best players like Giannis Antetokounmpo and Damian Lillard in the squad. If Doc fails at his job, he probably won’t be trusted with another coaching position in the future and may have to retire from the coaching field.

What do you think of Stephen A. Smith’s statements on Doc Rivers? Do you think that Doc would be successful with the Bucks? We are eager to know your thoughts, so drop them down in the comments and let us know.

Avi Shravan

416 articles

Avi Shravan is an anime, games and sports enthusiast who likes NBA and Soccer. He is an avid reader who loves to write as well. You can find him reading books in a cafe or playing games if he is not watching his favourite team play. You can contact him on [email protected]


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