Dani Alves Trial: Spanish court starts hearing testimony on Brazilian soccer star’s sexual assault case

Dani Alves is undoubtedly one of the most decorated soccer players to ever exist. The former Barcelona full-back won everything at the peak of his career and was even the player with the most trophies at some point until Lionel Messi broke the record. It’s safe to say that Alves had an almost flawless career.

Unfortunately, that could all mean nothing, and the Brazilian could lose everything if he is found guilty of the rape allegations against him. His court trials begin today, and it’s a fight for his life and legacy, as Dani Alves has spent the last 13 months of his life in a Spanish prison due to these rape charges.

Brazilian soccer star Dani Alves’ rape case begins in Spain

The fate of Dani Alves hangs in the balance as his court trial began yesterday in a bid to battle the rape allegations against him. Dani Alves has been in a Spanish prison since January 2023 after being accused of raping a 23-year-old in a one-night club in Barcelona.

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The woman, who was initially not identified as a form of protection, was scared of coming out with the allegations as she wanted her name not to be mixed with a case like this, especially when she thought it was a lost cause, as Dani Alves was at some point in his career the most decorated player in the history of football.

Although she was reportedly bullied online as her name and identity leaked, causing the Brazilian’s fans to drag her on social media, many believe she’s on course to get justice for herself, as, again, Alves has spent the last 13 months of his life in jail, signaling what it means to get justice in Spain.

“I’m not going to report it because who would believe me,” the victim said after being asked if she wanted to file a complaint.

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San Diego Union-Tribune

The club owners helped process the case despite Alves’ frequent patronizing of the club since 2008. Thankfully, the girl’s fear went up in the wind when Dani Alves was picked up a week after the incident, giving her the hope she needed that justice may be served after all.

What happens to Dani Alves if he is found guilty?

Although it’s unclear the length of Dani Alves’ jail term if found guilty, Spanish prosecutors have been pushing for a nine-year jail term for the former Barcelona and Sevilla star. Dani Alves even received financial support from his friend Neymar Jr. who offered his lawyer up as well as some cash money to help Alves fight the case, as all his assets have been frozen.

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Source: Marca

Also, if found guilty, Alves will be officially registered as a sex offender in the country and will also be prohibited from working around minors for at least ten years. A rape case, under Spanish laws, carries a maximum sentence of 15 years, and while prosecutors aren’t pushing for that, it can’t be ruled out.

Alves, up until now, had been denied bail despite several attempts from his lawyers. He’s considered a flight risk by the court, and even after he offered to turn over his passport and travel documents, the court remained adamant about his freedom.


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