Does Jimmy Butler hate Adrian Griffin? Examining the Heat ace’s relation with Bucks HC

Jimmy Butler had some words to say about Damian Lillard’s move to Milwaukee Bucks. The statements he issued can be consider a bit controversial given his past with the Bucks head coach Adrian Griffin.

Damian Lillard recently got traded to the Milwaukee Bucks as a part of an epic three team deal which no one saw coming. Jrue Holiday and Deandre Ayton also were part of the deal and found new homes for themselves. Dame was earlier heavily connected with a move to the Miami Heat, but the deal fell off after months long stalemate between the Blazers and the Heat.

Jimmy Butler shares his thoughts on Lillard trade

In a recent interview, Jimmy Butler shared his thoughts on the big move of Lillard and his comments were not very pleasant. Butler was asked about his opinion of Dame not coming to Heat and going to Bucks instead to which he responded, “I am happy for both of those guys, I am more pissed off that [Damian Lillard] went to Milwaukee, because he went to Adrian Griffin’s [Bucks’ Head Coach] team, and everybody knows I do not like Adrian Griffin at all since my Chicago days.”

Butler’s comments seemed to indicate a beef between him and Griffin but perhaps that is not the case. He surely did look a bit disappointed that neither Butler nor Holiday were able to make it to the Heat. Lillard’s move is being applauded a lot and fans are coming to expect great things from him, but the now Bucks star’s personal life looks to be suffering right after the move.

Relationship between Butler and Griffin

Jimmy Butler and Adrian Griffin have a complicated relationship. Griffin used to serve as an assistant coach during Butler’s time with the Bulls and although Jimmy’s comments about Lillard and his move to the Bucks sound very unpleasant, it was confirmed by Jimmy Buckets that he was just having fun.

Jimmy Butler
Credits: Wilfredo Lee/AP

Butler and Griffin have a warm relationship as Griffin was the one who worked most closely with him in his rookie season. He has a lot of respect for him and was just trying to “give him a hard time”. It is not yet clear what the true nature of Griffin and Butler’s relationship is; they can be good friends who like pulling each other’s leg or there can be some lingering tension from the past between them. That aside, Butler also gave out his opinions on other NBA stars such as Nikola Jokic and Jamie Jaquez Jr in the interview.

What do you think of Jimmy Butler’s comments on Lillard’s move to the Bucks? Do you think there is some beef between Butler and Griffin? We are eager to know your thoughts, so drop down in the comments section and share with us.

Avi Shravan

416 articles

Avi Shravan is an anime, games and sports enthusiast who likes NBA and Soccer. He is an avid reader who loves to write as well. You can find him reading books in a cafe or playing games if he is not watching his favourite team play. You can contact him on [email protected]


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