Erik Spoelstra divorce: why is Heat HC’s ex-wife getting trolled on social media?

Miami Heat HC Erik Spoelstra signed an extension with the Miami Heat worth 120 million USD which saw the coach remain at the helm for the foreseeable future. The successful basketball coach, however, did not have a very successful marriage and divorced his wife, Nikki Sapp in November last year.

Following the coach’s massive deal, NBA fans took to Twitter to highlight the fact that his former partner, Nikki missed out on a ‘once in a lifetime opportunity’ to become wealthier. Enraged by the heartless statements made about her, Nikki Sapp took to Instagram to stand up for herself.

Why is Eric Spolstra’s ex-wife Nikki getting trolled?

Yesterday, the Miami Heat announced a record-breaking extension deal with their legendary coach Erik Spoelstra, who has been working for the organization since 1975 and has worked with them for 29 long years.

Spoelstra, started as a video coordinator for the Heat under the guidance of then Heat coach, Pat Riley and worked his way to the top, before becoming the Head Coach of the Heat in 2008. In 2012 and 2013, the trio of Lebron James, Chris Bosh and Dwayne Wade gave Spoelstra his first title as Head Coach.

Erik Spoelstra
Spoelstra secured an eight-year extension with the team via Associated Press

The new extension is a token of trust and gratitude from the Heat who are investing their complete future in the hands of Spoelstra. The most money guaranteed in a coaching deal, Spoelstra is set to make about 15 million USD per year in the next eight seasons.

While many fans and players congratulated the coach on his deserved extension, a group of fans decided to take matters into their own hands and brought to light Spoelstra’s ex-wife, Nikki Sapp, criticizing her for splitting with the coach weeks before he was rewarded with the extension.

Erik Spoelstra
The coach’s new deal is worth 120 million USD via Getty Images

The most common comment suggested that Nikki “fumbled the bag”, referring to the guaranteed 120 million USD in Spoelstra’s brand new contract.

Nikki Sapp did not turn a blind eye to the blasphemous comments and hit out at all her critics with a well-detailed Instagram story, calling out NBA fans for their brutality and misogynistic statements.

Nikki Spoelstra responds to public ridicule

Taking to Instagram, Erik Spoelstra’s ex-wife hit out at all the people who criticized her for divorcing the two-time title winning coach.

She crushed all notions which suggested that women couldn’t be successful on their own independent terms while highlighting the phrase she was most ridiculed with, “way to fumble the bag”.

Erik Spoelstra
Spoelstra and Sapp got engaged in 2015 via Getty Images

On her Instagram account, Nikki stated, “I’m going to address this comment not as it pertains to my personal life choices but as it relates to a general thought process that most people have and that a lot of people have harassed me with over the years.”

Mincing no words, she added, “According to crass, ignorant, uninformed society at large, women can’t ‘win’. Women can’t be genuinely in love with someone successful. No, they’re pretending and they’re in it for the money. And, if a woman chooses not to be with a successful partner, apparently she’s an idiot.”

 Nikki Sapp
Nikki Sapp bashed her critics on her Instagram Stories via Instagram

Standing up for herself, Nikki ended her statements saying, “And no, I won’t ignore it. Ignoring it (harassment) for years messed with my emotional health and people need to have a better understanding of how their words can affect other people. Not just me. But people. In general. Be nicer.”

Eric Spoelstra got engaged to Nikki Sapp, a former Miami Heat cheerleader, in 2015 and have three kids together: two sons and a daughter.

What are your thoughts on HC Erik Spoelstra’s ex-wife’s comments? Does he deserve his extension with the Heat? We are eager to know your thoughts and opinions on the topic so share them in the comments section below.

Caleb Mathew

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Feel free to reach out to me at @calebmathewww on Instagram.


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