“Everybody scared of Draymond Green”: NBA HOF blasts Warriors star’s “terrifying” conduct in with Rudy Gobert

The Golden State Warriors and their star player, Draymond Green, had an auspicious start to the 2023 season, showcasing their championship potential. However, as the season progressed, the team’s performance seemed to be faltering, and Green’s personal conduct on the court has been drawing attention for all the wrong reasons.

Green, known for his fiery nature, has found himself unable to steer clear of technical fouls lately. His confrontational demeanor are becoming a cause for concern, not just among his adversaries, but even within the NBA Hall of Fame. This latest incident only adds to the growing list of altercations involving Green, indicating a troubling pattern that the player needs to address.

Paul Pierce calls out Draymond Green’s on-court antics

Paul Pierce, a Boston Celtics legend and NBA Hall of Fame didn’t hold back in his criticism of Golden State Warriors forward Draymond Green. Pierce called out Green for his on-court antics, particularly his recent chokehold on Minnesota Timberwolves big man Rudy Gobert. The incident has fueled a growing hate for Green among fans and players alike.

Draymond Green
Via San Francisco Chronicle

In a post on X, formerly known as Twitter, Pierce stated, “Everybody in this era is scared of Draymond, ” as he acknowledged Green’s impact on the game but suggested that his conduct needs to change.

Gobert, the player at the receiving end of Green’s chokehold, also shared his perspective on the matter. According to Gobert, whenever the Warriors play without their star guard Stephen Curry, Green doesn’t want to participate either. Gobert claimed that Green intentionally gets ejected from games as a result. “Every time Steph doesn’t play, he doesn’t want to play without his guy Steph so he does anything he can to get ejected,” Rudy Gobert said.

The tensions escalated during the Warriors’ recent game against the Timberwolves, in which they suffered a close 104-101 defeat. Sparks flew early in the first quarter when Minnesota’s Jaden McDaniels and Golden State’s Klay Thompson became entangled.

As Draymond Green’s behavior continues to draw criticism, it remains to be seen if any disciplinary action will be taken or if he will face further consequences for his conduct on the court which has reignited discussions around sportsmanship and player behavior in the NBA.

Doctor analyzes violent nature of Green’s chokehold on Gobert

Draymond Green’s recent chokehold on Rudy Gobert during a game has sparked concern and now has been analyzed by Dr. Brian Sutterer, MD. According to Dr. Sutterer, Green’s forearm strike to the front of Gobert’s throat was alarming, as it could result in severe trauma to the larynx, trachea, and even the hyoid bone. The lack of protection in that area makes it susceptible to fractures and potential long-term consequences for athletes.

However, what made the situation more troubling was Green’s attempt to drag Gobert by his neck. This type of chokehold is dangerous, especially when applied with sudden, violent force, as seen in MMA practices. The blood choke applied by Green could have led to Gobert losing consciousness, as external pressure can cause the body to falsely assume high blood pressure, resulting in a decreased heart rate and potential loss of consciousness.

Draymond Green and Rudy Gobert
Via SBNation

“Whenever the brain has impaired blood flow, eventually the response sort of down the line effect is you lose consciousness. You lose consciousness and you pass out, ” Sutterer continued.

Fortunately, Gobert did not appear to be on the verge of passing out, suggesting that Green’s force was not excessive. Nevertheless, Dr. Sutterer believes that Green’s actions were very dangerous and recommends a multiple-week suspension as a consequence.

Dr. Brian Sutterer, a physiatrist based in Rochester, Minnesota, with affiliations to esteemed medical institutions such as the Mayo Clinic, provided his valuable insights into the dangerous nature of the Draymond Green incident as fans continue to debate the rules and regulations and how players should conduct themselves on the court.

Sami Haider

482 articles

Sami Haider is an NBA writer at SportsKnot. His foray into basketball scriptwriting started in 2020, when he was enthralled by the Los Angeles Lakers' NBA championship victory. His previous experience was limited to dribbling and dunking as a neighborhood kid. His insightful writings show how much he loves the sport. His writing goes beyond numbers and scores, giving readers a unique viewpoint on the players, teams, and events that define the basketball scene. Whether you're a die-hard fan or a casual observer, Sami's work is essential for anybody trying to expand their knowledge and love of the NBA.


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