Fernando Alonso reveals his desire to “win with Ferrari” while contemplating remaining track time

Fernando Alonso drove for Ferrari from 2010 to 2014. He won 11 races with the team, including the 2010 Bahrain Grand Prix, his first race with Ferrari. He also finished second in the Drivers’ Championship in 2010, 2012, and 2013. Alonso was highly anticipated when he joined Ferrari, as he was coming off two World Drivers’ Championship titles with Renault.

However, he never managed to win the title with Ferrari, despite being considered one of the best drivers on the grid. Recently Fernando has expressed his wish to go back to his Ferrari days and win that long awaited 3rd title on a podcast.

Fernando Alonso reveals desirable changes with Ferrari

Alonso made his Formula One debut with Minardi in 2001. He was promoted to Renault in 2003, and he quickly established himself as one of the top drivers on the grid. He won the title again in 2006, becoming the youngest double World Champion. After leaving Renault, Alonso joined McLaren in 2007. He had a successful first season with the team, finishing second in the Drivers’ Championship. However, he had a difficult relationship with his teammate Lewis Hamilton.

Alonso left McLaren at the end of the 2007 season, and he joined Ferrari in 2010. But he couldn’t recreate his success with the Italian team. Despite not winning the title with Ferrari, Alonso still did have a successful stint with the team. He won 11 races, including two in his debut season, and he finished second in the Drivers’ Championship three times. He also helped Ferrari to win the Constructors’ Championship in 2012.

Fernando Alonso

There were a number of factors that contributed to Alonso’s lack of success at Ferrari. The team was not as competitive as it had been in the past, and it also struggled with internal politics. Alonso also had a number of high-profile clashes with his teammates, including Felipe Massa and Kimi Räikkönen. He never managed to win the title with Ferrari, which was a source of great disappointment for him.

The Spaniard has now spoken up about the disappointment on the High Performance podcast. He said, “Winning a championship with Ferrari, that will be probably the first that I choose, if I could go back in time, in 2010 2012 we were within a few laps to winning the championship,” “What I do regret is not having enjoyed more of those years, of my sports career, I know that I am at the end of it…and when i will look back to my career………. i should have enjoyed more.” “I won the championship in Brazil in 2005 and 2006 and I hardly remember anything from those afternoons and nights, which is sad.”

Alonso speculates on the end of his F1 career

Alonso is a driver who hasn’t opened up a lot in front of the media or the fans, but on this podcast, the fans have gotten to know their idol far better, as this is one of the rare cases where Fernando has opened up. While talking about the aforementioned topic, he also hinted that he is at the end of his F1 season, according to him.


Alonso admitted regretting not enjoying his career more. He knows that he is at the end of his career, and now he wants to make the most of the time he has left. He believes that he has had a lot of good experiences in his career but wishes he had enjoyed them more. He also shared that he hardly remembers anything from the days he won the championship in Brazil in 2005 and 2006, which is sad for him.

He concluded by saying that if he could live his life over again, he would not change anything about his teams or his choices. He would just try to live in the moment more and enjoy the experiences more.

What do you think about Alonso’s Ferrari stint? and do let us know your views on him retiring in the comments section down below.




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