FIFA president Gianni Infantino dismisses ‘non existent’ blue card rumors

The game of soccer is ever changing and is constantly being updated to improve the game in every aspect. Just like the revolutionary new offside rule that was implemented by FIFA, they tried to implement a new blue card rule.

The rule would have been revolutionary and will be used by referees in the game, similar to yellow and red cards. It was thought of by the IFAB but has been totally rejected by many fans and now FIFA itself.

Gianni Infantino clarifies FIFA’s blue card stance

The blue card rule was supposed to be trialed this season in some competitions, such as the FA Cup and the League Cup. It was then going to be implemented at the highest level, including the leagues, if found to be successful. It was going to be sort of a sin-bin rule, which the referee would show to a player either for dissent or for a cynical foul.

A blue-carded player would have to leave the pitch for 10 minutes, which would have forced his team to play with one player less for that time. However, the idea was rejected by many coaches, fans and other personalities. And now FIFA itself has rejected the idea of a blue card in soccer.

FIFA president Gianni Infantino recently said that blue cards will not be be implemented at all, “Blue cards? This is a topic that is non existent for us. If you want a title it is: red card to the blue card. No chance, no way.”

He further reiterated that while they are committed to any proposals, the game needs to be respected as well. “We have to be serious. We are always open to looking at ideas and proposals and everything has to be treated with respect of course. But once you look at it you also have to protect the essence and tradition of the game. There is no blue card.”

Blue cards appear to be a bad regulation

The idea of the blue card being scrapped is a good thing, with widespread resistance from fans and others working. There is a good reason as well, as it would have only complicated matters. Already, referees get much criticism for the many VAR and offside mistakes they make regularly, as Pep Guardiola recently pointed out.

If such a card is enforced, teams would be forced to play with 10 men or less, which would kill the essence of the game for 10 minutes. Teams would simply sit back and defend, which would further destroy the attacking and exciting aspects of the game. Time would be wasted, and fans would be further disillusioned with the game.

Blue card
via Soccer24

There is also the matter of what type of foul or dissent can be constituted as a blue card or yellow card, which will create further confusion on the pitch. Referees will be criticized and fans and players will be frustrated with any decision they deem to be wrong.

Therefore, it is a good idea not to implement such a card, but there is still talk that a sin-bin rule would be considered.

Fazal Al Bashar

562 articles

Fazal is a passionate soccer aficionado, who when not discovering the latest soccer stories and rumors, indulges in playing FIFA all night. While he sucks at the sport, he knows the who and what in all things soccer-related.


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