Former UFC icon supporting Sean Strickland’s infamous assessment of ‘fat women’ sparks outrage

Sean Strickland has become one of the most popular fighters in the UFC due to his controversial and outspoken remarks, often at odds with the mainstream media, political parties, and the LGBTQI plus community.

Nonetheless, the former UFC middleweight champion has enjoyed crowd support, even in Australia and Canada during his previous two fights as an American. Recently, a tweet of Strickland went viral, which is not surprising as he often does this.

Sean Strickland’s fat women remark backed by Jake Shields

Sean Strickland trains at Extreme Couture in Las Vegas under the tutelage of coach Eric Nicksick, and it is also home to many other UFC luminaries, including Jake Shields, an ex-UFC title challenger. Strickland’s recent tweet, which had fat-shaming remarks, received the co-sign of Shields and made the internet go into a frenzy.

“I can’t do business with fat women, even if it’s a good deal… It’s like something in me doesn’t trust them…,” was the tweet by Strickland, to which Jake Shields agreed, stating that a similar case applies to them. After the initial tweet, Strickland also explained why he reached such a conclusion with another tweet that provided four reasons.

Strickland’s first reason was that he found fat people not good-looking, while his second reason was the sweatiness that accompanies an obese body. Sean also expressed disgust at the apparent difficulty that a morbidly obese person could face in performing a physical task. The fourth and foremost reason was the main factor behind Strickland reaching his initial conclusion.

“You betray your arteries daily for sugar.. You will betray me for less,” tweeted Strickland of the main reasons why he does not trust fat people. It needs to be noted that the aforementioned tweets are nothing incomparable to the tweets he had done before.

For context, he had recently bashed the government of his country and even called out NAVY SEALS before he criticized the US Air Force official, who self-immolated before the Israeli embassy in Washington DC for the genocide in Gaza.

Fans outraged with Sean Strickland’s recent statement

Sean Strickland’s tweets are not meant to attract positive remarks in most cases but he still gets support for the offensive tweets makes. Nonetheless, his recent tweet which had fat-shaming elements was not well received on social media platform X.

“Ur a phag incel though bro so u should just stay in ur yard on this one,” commented one X user who found it very difficult to digest what Strickland tweeted. “Damn man, I thought you was team fat women? I’m disappointed,” commented another X user who expressed his disappointment at Strickland’s remarks.

“I won’t make such a statement. Could be sickness,” commented yet another X user who attributed the comments made by Sean Strickland and Jake Shields to a mental illness. Funnily enough, it was not the first time that people have stated that Strickland has a mental illness.

Raquel Pennington, the current UFC bantamweight champion, has made similar remarks as she was a witness to the misogynistic remarks of Strickland due to her being on the co-main event of UFC 297 which Strickland headlined.

Do you agree with Sean Strickland’s assessment? Leave your thoughts below!


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