George Russell advised to “put girlfriend in the Mercedes” seat upon sharing his “super proud” moment

George Russell has been in a blooming relationship since 2020. The British racer met his girlfriend, Carmen Montero Mundt, through mutual friends, with George falling head over heels for the Spanish-born investor relations associate. The way both of them support and cherish each other is truly inspiring.

When asked about his girlfriend, George once claimed that Carmen sharing the same interests and beliefs as him makes it easier for the driver. It seems as the days pass, the young couple’s love for each other never ceases to lessen but grows stronger every day.

Russell exclaims “well done my love” to his girlfriend

George Russell, who got taken out by his own teammate Lewis Hamiton in the Qatar GP, has been in a bond with the love of his life for almost 3 years now. Both of them connected the moment they saw each other, and with an incredible affiliation, the couple became an inspiration for many young lovers throughout the world.

Carmen Montero Mundt was born in Spain and is currently working for a UK-based investment firm. She is a graduate of the University of Westminster. The young woman has many talents apart from being strikingly beautiful, as per her boyfriend.

In an interview with, George elaborated on how important Cameron was to him: “She’s always there to support me, which is amazing, and we share the same values and interests, which makes it easy.”

Recently, George posted on Twitter, exclaiming how proud he was of his girlfriend. Cameron travelled 300 km from London to Paris all by herself, by bicycle.

It is not easy, especially for a beginner, to travel so far allĀ  by herself, but Carmen has done it, proving to the world that ā€œwhen there is a will, there is a way.ā€ Many fans have also suggested that Cameron could be a Mercedes driver too with her astonishing skill for riding.

George said, ā€œ300km from London to Paris having never ridden a road bike as of 6 weeks ago super proud of you, well done my love!!ā€

Russell Couple ignites success through mutual assistance

Every driver needs emotional support for themselves once in a while, even when they are a renowned driver known to everyone. Similarly, for George, it has always been his girlfriend, who is always his favorite cheerleader and someone he could rely on without any worries. Their support for each other is unending, building a bond of trust, unwavering love, understanding and mutual support.

Carmen is a successful finance professional, along with being the ā€œgirlfriend of a famous F1 driver.ā€ She can multi-task profusely by being a loving partner as well as a successful businesswoman in her professional life.

Therefore, George does not have to worry about her not understanding the importance of his career by always having to prioritize her instead of his flourishing career.

Do you think their bond will always be this strong in the future? Do let us know in the comment section below.


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