How are Nikki and Brie Garcia related to John Laurinaitis?

John Laurinaitis, who joined WWE in 2001, serving as General Manager of both Raw and SmackDown, retired in 2000 following a successful career as a sports entertainer in the 1980s and 1990s. Along with WWE’s vice chairman, Laurinaitis was embroiled in legal troubles because of sex traffic claims against Vince McMahon.

John is the twins’ stepfather in the marriage of their mother, Kathy Colace. Recently, the Garcia sisters took to social media to share their thoughts on the current charges, which are seen as part of their family’s issue.

How are the twins related to John Laurinaitis?

The Garcia twins, Brie and Nikki Bella, formed a famous tag team in WWE from 2007 until 2019. They were renowned for more than just their wrestling exploits, amassing millions of online fans. John Laurinaitis, better known as Johnny Ace, is their stepfather, and he too had a distinguished wrestling career.

Despite John’s retirement, he was an executive for WCW and a wrestler for AJPW and WWE. After serving as a WWE employee from 2011 to 2012, Laurinaitis moved on to work for eight years as a producer and in talent relations.

John Laurinaitis
via bleacherreport

The stepfather role was filled in 2016 when John Laurinaitis wed Nikki and Brie’s mother, Kathy Colace. Unfortunately, charges of sexual misbehavior and hush money involving McMahon surfaced in June 2022, leading to an inquiry that ultimately terminated his employment with WWE in 2022.

Former WWE twins break silence over Vince McMahon scandal

The Wall Street Journal broke the shocking news on January 25, 2024, that Janel Grant, a former employee of WWE, had sued Vince McMahon and John Laurinaitis for sexual harassment and trafficking. The alleged intimate connection between Grant and McMahon is detailed in the 62-page dossier, which covers many instances. An earlier non-disclosure agreement is being challenged in court, and the amount of damages sought is unclear. 

John Laurinaitis
via pinkvilla

The claims against McMahon date back to 2022, when he was allegedly accused of paying four women $12 million each in hush money. That lawsuit’s alleged wrongdoing led to Laurinaitis’s 2022 dismissal from WWE and recent disturbing information caused McMahon to step down from his position at TKO. 

In light of the gravity of the accusations, the Garcia twins have decided to speak up on social media. Nikki and Brie released a joint statement on ‘X’ in which they strongly denounced the sexual assault and sex trafficking accusations and made it clear that they would not stand for such behavior from any perpetrator.

Their Twitter post noted, “We are shocked and disheartened with the recent allegations against members of the WWE. It has been a lot to process since we found out this past week just as you all did. This is something we don’t stand for or condone from anyone no matter who they are. We want all women to feel safe and supported in the workplace and their everyday lives.”

The community readily understands the purpose of the message even if Nikkie and Brie refrain from mentioning any names. However, what is your take on the twin sisters’ statement? Share in the comment section. 

Robin Ahmed

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Oh, hi, this is Md Robin Ahmed, a WWE fan and I everyday go through a slew of popular WWE stories on Sportszion. Watching Big Show's Showstopper was the beginning of my passion for WWE, though I have to say that his Chokeslam is not one of my favorite moves. Over time, my love for professional wrestling has intensified, mostly due to the Shield, and my all-time favorite wrestler in WWE is Big Dog. I would give everything to be able to be within a few feet of him to witness his iconic Superman Punch and Spear. My major is engineering, but I'm most happy when I'm doing something artistic that doesn't put me under any pressure. Watching them wrestle and discuss their matches is always fun for me. And I've finally discovered a career that gives me fun since it allows me to with my dream heroes lifestyle. So, Welcome! I'd love to hear from you on LinkedIn and Facebook.


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