How much Michael Jordan paid Juanita Vanoy for 2006 divorce? Exploring Top 3 most expensive NBA separations

Michael Jordan is probably the most popular person on the planet when it comes to basketball. Almost everyone who has heard of basketball has heard of the legendary MJ and his great journey with the Chicago Bulls. The Netflix documentary series about the legend’s life boosted Jordan’s already high popularity to new levels.

Most people talk about his basketball career and his super successful endeavors off the court, many of which he started after his retirement. But few people remember that MJ once had to pay a hefty amount for his divorce and he is not the only NBA star to do so.

How much did Michael Jordan pay Juanita Vanoy for 2006 divorce?

The story of Michael Jordan and Juanita Vanoy is everything but simple. Their 17-year marriage saw a lot of ups and downs and finally ended in a divorce that was agreed upon mutually by both parties. MJ, in his prime, was a fine man with a lot of money and fame to go along with it. There was no shortage of women lined up for him who were ready to throw themselves at him but he fell for Juanita.

They dated for a while and had their first son, after which they married soon. Juanita was always a supportive wife who took care of her family and reminded MJ to spend more time with his kids and family. Michael appreciated this aspect of her often listened to her and spent time with his family.

For MJ, it was easy to stay away from substances but in the case of women, it was different. Despite being married, he was spotted many times with different women and even had a few affairs. This caused a lot of problems for him in his marriage and after a few reconciliations, Juanita finally filed for divorce. She was awarded a huge amount of $168 million as settlement money and she mostly used it to create a bright future for her and Michael’s kids.

Juanita is a caring woman who always cared for her kids and her family. She always cared about MJ’s image and focused on privacy. She has been living a quiet life with her kids out of the spotlight ever since her divorce.

Exploring Top 3 most expensive separations in NBA History

Michael Jordan was not the only NBA star who had to pay a hefty sum as settlement money. Lakers Legend and five-time NBA champion Kobe Bryant also had to pay a huge amount at the time of his separation. Kenny Anderson also falls in the same boat as MJ and Kobe, an NBA player who paid a huge sum for his divorce.

Michael Jordan
Credits: getty images

While Jordan leads the chart with a staggering $168 million paid as settlement money, Kobe Bryant takes second place with a huge sum of $75 million paid as settlement money. His marriage lasted for 10 years with his wife Vanessa Laine and the reason stated was an irreconcilable difference. However, the couple reconciled in 2013.

Kenny Anderson takes the third spot on this list, with around $30 million paid as settlement money for his divorce from his ex-wife Tami Akbar. Their marriage lasted for six years and ended because of cheating rumors.

What do you think about Michael Jordan and Juanita Vanoy’s divorce? Do you think the couple should have stayed together? We are eager to know your thoughts, so drop down in the comments box and let us know.

Avi Shravan

416 articles

Avi Shravan is an anime, games and sports enthusiast who likes NBA and Soccer. He is an avid reader who loves to write as well. You can find him reading books in a cafe or playing games if he is not watching his favourite team play. You can contact him on [email protected]


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