Hulk Hogan turns into real-life superhero by puncturing airbag to rescue woman involved in car accident

Hulk Hogan is one of the most famous and fan favorite wrestlers of all time. Hogan was the ultimate babyface and helped WWE to popularize during the 1980s and 1990s. He was the face of WWE and WCW, and had memorable feuds and matches with legends like Andre the Giant, Ric Flair, and The Rock, who recently made his return to WWE.

Last week rumors were spreading that Hogan is returning to WWE to celebrate 40 years of Hulkamania. Recently, Hogan has made headlines after he rescued a women from a car accident along with his buddy Jake and his wife Sky Daily.

Hulk Hogan springs into action in daring rescue

On last Sunday in Clearwater, Florida, Hulk Hogan with his buddy Jake and his wife Sky Daily were riding across a highway, when they saw a car crash in front them. As per reports, Hogan and his Buddy rescued a 17 year old girl, who was driving the car. After this, the paramedics arrived at the spot and photograph shows that Hogan was present in the spot, until the paramedics came.

Hulk Hogan
via WWE

After the accident Hogan’s wife posted, “Last night, after we left dinner in Tampa, we saw a car flip in front of us! I truly admire my husband @hulkhogan and our good buddy @jakerask for springing into action, puncturing the girls airbag, and getting her quickly out of the car. By all appearances, she was unscathed, just really rattled, which is an absolute miracle!”

The Daily confirmed that Hogan and Jake immediately went out of the car after seeing the car crash and rushed to help. Both assisted the girl by puncturing the airbags and safely rescued her from the car. Hogan and Daily got married on September 22, 2023, but Hogan’s daughter, Brooke Hogan, didn’t made her presence.

Hulkster provides details of horrific crash event

Today, the hulkster himself gave the information about the accident. He took to social media and tweeted a post saying, “The crazy part about the teenager that flipped her car was that without a knife to puncture the airbags to get her out ,a Indian Rocks Christian ballpoint pen came in really handy to pot the bags, thank you God, all is well even now, Amen HH.”

Hogan stated that they had no tools to puncture the airbag, but his buddy Jake reacted quickly and punctured the airbag with a ballpoint pen to get the girl out of the car. He also confirmed that the girl was safe, and he prayed for her recovery.

Hogan’s last appearance in WWE was at WWE Raw’s 30th-anniversary celebration, where he made a surprise appearance and participated in the opening ceremony. With this heroic moment, fans are now anticipating his return to WWE for the celebration of 40 years of Hulkamania.


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