“I have damaged my body”: Raphael Varane shares his catastrophic injuries from soccer-related concussions

We often underestimate soccer players and forget the risks they take to play the beautiful sport. Soccer players regularly face harsh tackles and other challenges, resulting in many injuries. Raphael Varane is one such player whose career has been impacted by injuries.

With the number of games in soccer increasing due to new competitions and the demand for some players to participate in every game, we are witnessing a trend where many soccer players’ careers are being cut short or adversely affected. Varane has now spoken out about the dangers faced by soccer players.

Raphael Varane reveals his devastating soccer concussion trauma

Manchester United defender Raphael Varane recently spoke about why heading the ball is very harmful. He revealed that he advises his son not to do so, and that repeated shocks from heading the ball can be very harmful in the long term.

Varane said, “My seven-year-old son plays football, and I advise him not to header the ball. Even if it does not cause immediate trauma, we know that in the long term, repeated shocks are likely to have harmful effects.”

Heading the ball often leads to injuries and concussions from collision with other players. This has become a common occurrence in recent times, with many players having to leave the pitch after dangerously colliding and getting concussions.

Varane also highlighted how he was affected earlier this season in a game for United, saying, “Earlier this season, I headed the ball repeatedly during a match for Man United and felt abnormally tired in the following days, as well as having some eye fatigue.”

Studies have proven that repeated heading with the ball can lead to long term problems in the brain. Already, the English FA have banned heading to be used in U-12 matches and under to prevent any issues for the youngsters growing up.

Gary Neville once doubted Raphael Varane’s leadership

Manchester United legend and pundit Gary Neville once doubted the leadership of Raphael Varane in the Manchester United backline. The former United player admitted that Varane is a good defender and that he even heads the ball a lot, despite the player admitting it has been harmful for him.

via Football365

Neville said, “When I watch Varane, Varane actually defends his part of the pitch very well and he defends his box very well, he heads a lot of balls out. He’s quite dominant in the air.”

However, he also pointed out that Varane does not have the leadership skills to lead the back line, saying, “That’s not a criticism by the way because to be fair I think there are many great centre-halves who do their own jobs really well, but don’t actually manage a back four.”

Raphael Varane has not had an easy time at Manchester United with injuries also plaguing him, and there is talk he may soon be offloaded from the club. For now, he will focus on their next game, which is against Chelsea on Friday.

Fazal Al Bashar

562 articles

Fazal is a passionate soccer aficionado, who when not discovering the latest soccer stories and rumors, indulges in playing FIFA all night. While he sucks at the sport, he knows the who and what in all things soccer-related.


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