John Fury once went to prison for violently ripping out a man’s eye at a car auction

John Fury is known for making controversial statements and having straightforward talks in the boxing community. But there was a time when he went to prison for using his boxing skills against a common man whose eye almost ripped out of his skull.

Tyson Fury’s father even once faced a lot of criticism from the combat sports community for dragging Jake Paul’s girlfriend into the conversation. Now there is another incident coming forward that got John Fury in big trouble, leading him into jail.

When John Fury went to prison for tearing out a man’s eye

So the story stands where John Fury received charges for literally pulling and ripping out the eye of a man during an argument that turned into an altercation. John received 11 years of imprisonment for the act. According to Sportskeeda, the victim was once Fury’s friend, and there was a feud for a long time in between for just a bottle of beer. The incident took place at one of the car auctions, where 46-year-old John and his former friend Oathie Skyes had an interaction.

It was reported that they both bumped into each other, and the altercation turned into a brawl where, for sure, John Fury had an advantage over his non-boxer former friend. Both Skye and Fury faced each other in court. While John was facing arrest, the victim, managed to reach the court and tell the whole story.

Oathie Skyes came forward with the statement, “It was his finger; it went in my eye, in the corner, and he wouldn’t stop; he was like gouging and poking and twisting and poking. All of a sudden I heard this sound, a clicking noise, a popping noise, and when he took his hand away, I realized blood was in his hand—a lot of blood. It was like he was trying to pull his finger into my brain through my socket. I was screaming, ‘Please stop; you’re hurting me.’

That attack caused severe damage to Skyes’s eye, which puts him in a half-blind condition. On the other hand, John Fury managed to escape prison time before 7 years, serving only 4 years in prison.

John Fury reveals Tommy Fury’s potential next opponent

Father Fury has been the biggest supporter of his younger son, Tommy Fury, since his debut in boxing. Since the year 2018, John Fury has always been on the side of Tommy, which has led him to a 10-0 undefeated record so far. Now for the 11th bout of his son, John Fury reveals who can be the next opponent of Tommy until he recovers from the surgery.

John Fury revealed, “Now we do what we have got to do: train and fight. I look at these things, and if they make good business sense, we’re doing it. I don’t care if we’re fighting Mickey Mouse. If it’s good business sense, we’re in. That’s what it is; it’s all about fun and games today. The world’s too serious; if Jake Paul, Logan Paul, and co. can generate what Tommy’s happy with, where’s the problem?”

So John Fury doesn’t mind a rematch with Jake Paul or a matchup against his older brother Logan. John believes that these match-ups are great for Tommy Fury’s income, and there is no real issue with them.

What do you think Jake Paul will do to John Fury’s callout?

Abhishek Pandit

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