Jon Jones breaks silence after DCO claims UFC champion made death threats while testing

Jon ‘Bones’ Jones is no stranger to controversy. When he was wreaking havoc in the promotions light heavyweight division, he had his fair share of troubles outside the cage, from domestic violence misdemeanour to hit and run, in addition to doping violations.

However, ever since his return from a three-year hiatus, Jon Jones has stayed out of controversy. Nonetheless, he has now found himself amidst controversy with a doping control officer from Drug-Free Sports International, the new anti-doping partner of the UFC.

UFC DCO reveals Jon Jones allegedly threatened to kill her

Jon Jones is facing accusations of making serious threats towards a DCO from Drug-Free Sports International. The incident allegedly occurred when the officer visited Jones’ residence in Albuquerque to collect urine samples. Crystal Martinez, the officer, showed up at Jones’ place at approximately 4 pm on March 30th.

The complaint was filed on April 5th, per ABQ RAW NEWS, in which Martinez stated that Jones was cooperative at first. However, he failed to give a urine sample, which made Martinez ask for a blood sample. At this time, Jones showed visible agitation and threatened to sue the officers.

Moreover, he began to record the officers, after which he threatened to kill them. “why you f***ing people come so early, do you know what happens to people who come to my houseā€¦ they end up dead” were the alleged choice of words of Jones in the statement of Martinez.

Martinez also alleged that there was a very high chance that Jones was intoxicated, as she smelled an alcoholic odor from the UFC champion. Nevertheless, Jones gave a urine sample to the officers after the ruckus.

Jones has not fought since he won the vacant, undisputed UFC heavyweight title at UFC 285. A pectoral injury pulled him out of his scheduled bout against Stipe Miocic at UFC 295. Dana White has confirmed that the match would be rebooked upon Jones’ return.

Jon Jones speaks out over alleged death threat incident

After the news of Jon Jones’ alleged death threat incident went viral, the undisputed UFC heavyweight champion took to Instagram to provide his side of the incident. As proof of his innocence, he even posted a CCTV footage too.

“I want to clarify that there is a video showing both drug testers leaving my home after the testing session, where we exchanged a high five and a hug”, Jones addressed the allegations against him as he revealed that he was indeed frustrated with the DCO officer.

“Although I was frustrated with the unprofessionalism and used profanity out of frustration it ended friendly and amicably, nothing threatening at all,” Jones added as he revealed that he was celebrating the birthday of one of his closest friends.

Jones also accused the DCO officer of unprofessionalism and violating the HIPAA laws of 1996, which are the federal law that protects the patient’s health information. The champion also stated that this was his first negative encounter with a DCO in 20 years.

Considered the GOAT of MMA by many, including Dana White, Jones’ recent negative incident is only the latest one on a long list. Moreover, many consider his troubles outside the cage a black mark on his legacy.

Do you think Jon Jones is innocent in this particular case? Leave your thoughts about it below!


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