Josh Giddey Investigation: NBA continues OKC Thunder G’s inappropriate relationship probe after police shut his case

The Josh Giddey investigation made the headlines recently after the law enforcement announced the verdict on him. He was declared innocent because the officials could not find him guilty.

The Police Department of Newport Beach shut the case down but the NBA had different ideas. They are continuing the investigation regarding the allegations made of the NBA star of having an illegal relationship with a minor.

NBA continues Josh Giddey’s inappropriate relationship investigation

The NBA has decided to continue its separate Josh Giddey investigation. Giddey was accused of having an illegal relationship with a minor last year and since then there have been many developments in his case. When the news circulated there was outrage in the community and they demanded NBA Commissioner Adam Silver to take some action.

Silvers defused the pressure, citing ongoing law enforcement investigations, and permitted Giddey to continue playing in the league. Despite community dissatisfaction, now that the Newport Beach PD has declared him innocent, the league has opted to launch its own investigation into Giddey’s case.

Josh Giddey Investigation
Credits: getty

Why did police shut down Josh Giddey Investigation?

The Newport Beach Police Department conducted the Josh Giddey Investigation into the OKC star’s alleged involvement in an illegal relationship with a minor. After approximately 3 months of investigation, the PD recently released their findings in a press release. The Newport Beach Police Department announced that Josh would not be charged with any of the allegations put on him.

The PD said in the press release that they “were unable to corroborate any criminal activity related to Mr. Giddey.” This statement marked the official closing of the case by the law enforcement body as they were unable to string together enough evidence to prove the accusations against the NBA player.

While this was the general statement given by the PD, the community doesn’t seem happy with. They have questioned the process of investigation of the PD online and even accused them of protecting Giddey.

What do you think of the NBA continuing the Josh Giddey investigation? We are eager to know your thoughts, so drop down in the comments and let us know.

Avi Shravan

416 articles

Avi Shravan is an anime, games and sports enthusiast who likes NBA and Soccer. He is an avid reader who loves to write as well. You can find him reading books in a cafe or playing games if he is not watching his favourite team play. You can contact him on [email protected]


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