Kevin Garnett explains why he claims LeBron James is the GOAT of NBA

In the realm of basketball, there has long been a debate about who should be deemed the Greatest of All Time (GOAT). Over the years, numerous NBA legends and icons have acknowledged LeBron James as one of the true GOAT candidates.

Joining this chorus of praise is none other than the legendary Kevin Garnett, who doesn’t shy away from acknowledging LeBron’s remarkable impact on the game. For more than two decades, LeBron has revolutionized the NBA, continually raising the standard and pushing the boundaries of greatness.

Kevin Garnett explains why LeBron James is the GOAT of NBA

Kevin Garnett, the NBA legend, recently expressed his unwavering admiration for LeBron James, claiming that he is undoubtedly the Greatest of All Time in the NBA. In an interview on “the Stephen A. Smith Show,” Garnett spoke highly of James, not only for his on-court abilities but also for his off-court successes.

LeBron James and Kevin Garnett
Via SBNation

According to Garnett, LeBron is the epitome of success in every aspect of life, serving as an inspiration for every black man. From being a billionaire to owning his own labels and setting the tone for others, James has become the embodiment of what one should aspire to be.

“He’s my GOAT of all of this. The business, the everything. He’s the vision of what every black man should aspire for, has been a billionaire, having your own labels, like he’s set the tone, ” Garnett said.

Despite having lost to James and once considering him his greatest rival, Garnett now views him from a different perspective. He admits to watching James as a fan and marveling at the unprecedented feats he achieves at the age of 39.

With LeBron’s extensive accomplishments over two decades and his current prowess on the court, it is becoming increasingly challenging to dispute his claim as the GOAT.

Kevin Garnett’s acknowledgment of LeBron James as the greatest not only highlights his greatness as a player but also recognizes the impact he has had beyond basketball. As fans and critics alike continue to debate the GOAT status, Garnett’s endorsement only adds to the growing consensus that LeBron James is truly unrivaled in the NBA.

Kevin Garnett once reacted to rookie LeBron James calling him NBA’s best player

In what feels like an eternity in NBA years, a rookie LeBron James was asked the question of who he believed to be the best player in the league. Without hesitation, James responded with one name: Kevin Garnett. This revelation comes from a BET show that aired 19 years ago, where the young superstar-in-the-making had proclaimed Garnett as the league’s best player.

James even went as far as calling Garnett the “Big Ticket,” showing his admiration for the Boston Celtics’ big man, and in a playful manner, even joked and made a bet that if Garnett didn’t win the MVP award that season, he would consider leaving the league altogether.

As fate would have it, Garnett did win the MVP award for the 2003-04 season, perhaps thanks to James’ endorsement solidifying his place as one of the league’s elite players, but it also had unintended consequences. As for LeBron, he would go on to disrupt Garnett’s future plans to win a second championship with the Celtics.

The amusing twist to this story came recently when Garnett retweeted the clip on Twitter, captioning it with a simple “Say word? 💯 @KingJames”, also tagging the NBA icon.

Reflecting on this exchange, it is evident that both Kevin Garnett and LeBron James have significantly impacted the game of basketball. Even though LeBron is now 38 years old, his brilliance and impact on the NBA continue to grow, and fans hope to see his presence on the court for a longer period of time.

Sami Haider

482 articles

Sami Haider is an NBA writer at SportsKnot. His foray into basketball scriptwriting started in 2020, when he was enthralled by the Los Angeles Lakers' NBA championship victory. His previous experience was limited to dribbling and dunking as a neighborhood kid. His insightful writings show how much he loves the sport. His writing goes beyond numbers and scores, giving readers a unique viewpoint on the players, teams, and events that define the basketball scene. Whether you're a die-hard fan or a casual observer, Sami's work is essential for anybody trying to expand their knowledge and love of the NBA.


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