Kobe Bryant made his case clear to Phil Handy on being an a**hole to his teammates

Kobe Bryant may have met a tragic fate, but in his lifetime, he made invaluable contributions to the game of basketball and the league. He went against all his doubters and proved himself multiple times, becoming one of the greatest basketball players ever to grace the court.

He was known for his stern mentality and insane work ethic that allowed him to have a decorated career. Kobe had a notorious personality and didn’t get along even with his teammates. The assistant coach at Lakers, Phil Handy, recently explained an incident where he asked Kobe why he was an A-hole toward his teammate.

Kobe Bryant provided definitive answer to Phil Handy

Phil Handy recently explained the reason for Kobe Bryant not getting along with his teammates. Phil asked Kobe why he acted like an A-hole toward his teammates and the answer Kobe gave stunned Handy. Phil asked, “Why are you such an A** Hole?” to which Kobe replied, “You really want to know?” in his stern voice with a stoic expression.

According to Phil Kobe further explained, “ Phil man.. some of my teammates don’t understand the work. I see dudes walking into practice ten minutes before practice and then leaving right after. Why the f*** am I going to pass them the basketball? I don’t respect their work ethic! I am in here busting my a** every day, trying to perfect my craft, and these dudes don’t wanna work on their game. I don’t trust them so I am not gonna pass them the basketball. I am gonna ride them hard every day.”

Phil applauded the explanation Kobe gave and was quick to realize the Mamba mentality that made Kobe Bryant who he was. The Mamba mentality is strict discipline added to an insane work ethic that is bound to make a person successful; it teaches a person to be hardworking and work towards their goals, an important lesson late Kobe taught us.

Kobe Bryant
Credits: getty

Bryant once punched Samaki Walker

Kobe Bryant was a serious person when it came to bets made on the court, he even sucker-punched a teammate once over a mere $100. The Lakers bus had to be pulled over at the side of the road in Cleveland because of this incident in 2002. Bryant punched his then-teammate, Samaki Walker after the latter did not pay him $100.

The quarrel stemmed from a bet made between the two players. The bet stated that if Kobe won the half-court shot contest, then Walker would pay him $100. The rule among the Lakers was that the loser had to pay the winner within 48 hours; however, Kobe went looking for his money the next morning. Walker waived off Bryant and tried to ignore him, which did not sit well with the Black Mamba.

Bryant sucker-punched Walker, and it caught his right eye. The bus was stopped, and Walker had thought of retaliating but calmed down later. They later made up and became friends, bearing mutual respect among themselves. Kobe has had several feuds with his teammates in the past and he wasn’t proud of any of them except the one with big Shaq which gave rise to the unstoppable duo of Bryant and Shaq.

What do you think of Kobe Bryant’s mamba mentality? Did you know about Kobe punching Walker? We are eager to know your thoughts, so let us know down in the comments.

Avi Shravan

416 articles

Avi Shravan is an anime, games and sports enthusiast who likes NBA and Soccer. He is an avid reader who loves to write as well. You can find him reading books in a cafe or playing games if he is not watching his favourite team play. You can contact him on [email protected]


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