LeBron James and Anthony Davis weigh in on Lakers inability to counter “offensive rebounds” following shock defeat to Magic

The Lakers fans had to face yet another disappointment on Saturday night as their team lost to the Orlando Magic just when there was hope for things to get better after an amazing performance by LeBron James in the match against the Los Angeles Clippers.

The Lakers snapped their losing streak after that win and there was hope among the fans for more wins from that point. However, the Magic handed a defeat to the Lakers. Following the game, LeBron and Anthony Davis shared insights on what they think might have been the problem.

LeBron James shares insight on Lakers loss to Magic

After the match ended in a defeat for the Lakers, LeBron James did a post-game interview where he shared insights on the shortcomings of the team. LeBron weighed on offensive rebounds and how it was hurting the team as the opposition’s crucial points came out of them. He talked about how the teams need to figure out a solution to this problem as it has become a repetitive occurrence for the Lakers.

He insightfully said, “We have to figure it out because that has been our trend. Offensive rebounds, points off turnovers. We do good job of getting a stop on first possession, but we allow offensive rebounds. Then we allowed them to score off those offensive rebounds. So, we have got to do a better job at that and get that under wraps.”

LA Lakers

Bron’s confidence hasn’t wavered as he has recognized the problem and will soon work on getting that settled with the team. Bron being a huge NFL fan, compared the situation of the Lakers to the NFL’s Pittsburgh Steelers. He said, “We are like Pittsburgh Steelers right now. The Pittsburgh Steelers have not out-gained or out-scored any of their opponents in this season right now and yet they have got a winning record.”

Anthony Davis reveals major issue in Lakers game plan

After LeBron James, Anthony Davis did a post-game interview where even he revealed the same major flaw in the gameplay of the Lakers. He also pointed out the rebounding issue and said that it was even though they tried to make a comeback it was not possible.

He said, “We created a hole for ourselves in the first quarter… and even though we tightened the screws a little bit, the offensive rebounds killed us in the entire game!”

On being asked if he would send a lot of players at the glass to counter the Lakers, he said, “I mean, I would. The scouting report: attack the glass, get out and run. I mean, that has been our Achilles’ heel. That is going to cost us games. We know the problem. We got to fix it.” He called the flaw the Achilles heel of the team and emphasized that they needed to fix it soon.

What do you think of the insights shared by LeBron and AD? What do you think the Lakers should do to fix the problem? We are eager to hear from you, so drop down in the comments and share with us.

Avi Shravan

416 articles

Avi Shravan is an anime, games and sports enthusiast who likes NBA and Soccer. He is an avid reader who loves to write as well. You can find him reading books in a cafe or playing games if he is not watching his favourite team play. You can contact him on [email protected]


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