LeBron James offers unexpected praise for Dillon Brooks despite Rockets star’s challenge

The relationship between the Lakers star LeBron James and the Rockets forward Dillon Brooks has been everything but pleasant. Dillon has been long known for his trash-talking antics throughout the league and has developed quite an image for himself.

On the other hand, LeBron likes to talk less and show more as he has previously shunned many of those who have trash-talked him with his actions. However, recently Bron praised the Rockets forward despite the challenge thrown at him.

LeBron commends Brooks on new Contract

The Lakers were set to face the Rockets this Wednesday night and before the matchup, Brooks had some words for arguably the greatest of all time. However, LeBron didn’t look much fazed with the comments in his interview. He complimented the 27-year-old and even applauded the now-Rockets star for the huge contract he signed with the franchise.

LeBron reportedly said, “Every player that has been awarded with a contract is awarded for a reason. They are worthy of the contract that they receive. I think in his case, he was worthy of the contract he received. He has put in the work since coming out of Oregon, and Houston found value in him, and he is here.”

When asked about his previous matchup with Brooks, LeBron said that he didn’t dwell much on the past. Brooks has signed an $86 million contract with the Rockets for four years. So far in the season, he has lived up to that price tag by averaging 16.3 points and 4.3 rebounds, while also maintaining a hot 56.5% conversion rate from the three-point range.

LeBron James
Credits: getty

Brooks showed eagerness to continue playoff rivalry with LeBron James

While LeBron James looks to be unworried with the past it cannot be said the same about Dillon Brooks. Before the matchup, Dillon Brooks expressed his eagerness to continue with the rivalry between him and LeBron James that started last season during the Lakers-Grizzlies playoffs.

Dillon was asked about encountering Bron for the first time since the two faced off with each other in the playoffs. Dillon said, “I am ready to lock him up… Make him tired, make him get into that fourth quarter early.” It won’t be wrong to say that Brooks hasn’t learned his lesson yet. He is known for his trash-talking skills, and the time he tried it on LeBron – it went horribly for him.

Brooks called Bron old during last season in the Lakers-Grizzlies playoffs, which is not entirely wrong, but LeBron cooked Brooks in their matchup and he was eventually traded to the Rockets. The competitive spirit of Brooks is high, but he has to understand not to delude competitiveness with arrogance as it can come back to bite him really hard.

What do you think of Dillon Brooks’ comments on LeBron James? Do you the Lakers will get to the playoffs despite starting poorly this season? We are eager to know your thoughts, so drop them down in the comments box and share with us.

Avi Shravan

416 articles

Avi Shravan is an anime, games and sports enthusiast who likes NBA and Soccer. He is an avid reader who loves to write as well. You can find him reading books in a cafe or playing games if he is not watching his favourite team play. You can contact him on [email protected]


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