LeBron James robs James Harden of media honor in favor of old friend: “James Harden Clippers? Nah”

On Sunday, the struggling Los Angeles Clippers took on the defending champion Lakers, and despite the Clippers’ best efforts, they were unable to secure a victory. LeBron James, the Lakers’ superstar, dunk on their hopes and then stripped James Harden of media honors during the postgame interview.

James had a great performance last night that resembled his prime self, he made an explosive dunk in the match that has gone viral and left people wondering about what more amazing moves the 39-year-old has left in store to show his fans.

LeBron takes issue with media for crediting Harden with Clippers success

Following a strong performance on the court against the Clippers, LeBron James of the Lakers took part in a post-game interview where Bron took away the media spotlight from James Harden, the new recruit of the Clippers, as he shared his thoughts on the game. The journalist inquired about Bron’s opinion on the new “James Harden Clippers” appearance, and he took issue with that.

“You say it’s the James Harden Clippers? Nah, It’s the T-Lue (Tyronn Lue) Clippers. I know T-Lue very well It doesn’t take T-Lue very long to make sure to get their S*** right. It’s been five games and they have been cooking since,” responded James. LeBron supported his old friend and former head coach of the Cleveland Cavaliers robbing James Harden of the popularity crown the media has crowned on him. Tyronn Lue is currently the Clippers’ head coach, and the future Hall of Famer credited the team’s success to him instead of the new addition to the squad, James Harden.

LeBron James
Credits: getty

LeBron James’ friendship with Ty Lue

LeBron James and Tyronn Lue have a very unique friendship between them; they are both in each other’s inner circle and have known each other even before working together in the Cleveland Cavaliers. Their friendship extends beyond the basketball court, as they both have expressed high opinions of each other. T-Lue has previously said that he knows how to talk to Bron and handle him because Bron trusts him.

King James, on the other hand, has spoken highly of him and believes that Lue has pushed him to become a better player during his run with the Cavs. They share a great bond and the most recent example of this would be the Lakers star birthday party. LeBron recently turned 39 and threw a massive party and among the few guests who were invited, Tyronn Lue was among them. He enjoyed the party with the other guests and the host LeBron himself.

What do you think of LeBron James’ statements about the Clippers’ success with Ty-Lue? Do you think Bron is right? We are eager to know your opinions, so drop them down in the comments and let us know.

Avi Shravan

416 articles

Avi Shravan is an anime, games and sports enthusiast who likes NBA and Soccer. He is an avid reader who loves to write as well. You can find him reading books in a cafe or playing games if he is not watching his favourite team play. You can contact him on [email protected]


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