Matt Hardy once turned horrible real-life rivalry with Lita and Edge into one of WWE’s most memorable storylines

In 2005, the WWE Universe saw the inception of one of the most uncomfortable and controversial storylines. It was the infamous love triangle storyline between Matt Hardy, Edge, and Lita. This was actually a real-life situation that once even saw Hardy get fired, but was rehired when WWE decided to turn this into a storyline.

The 2005 feud between the former friends, Matt Hardy and Edge was a huge deal at the time. For some context, at the time Hardy was in a relationship with his fellow superstar, Lita. However, things quickly went from bad to worse for Hardy, as Lita cheated on him with Edge. This feud saw a whole lot of firings, worked shoot interviews, ruined relationships, a blood rivalry, and worst of all, it permanently ruined the image of one of WWE’s most prominent female wrestlers, Lita.

What is Matt Hardy’s history with Edge and Lita?

Matt Hardy and his brother Jeff Hardy began their careers in wrestling around the same time as Edge, who later formed a team with Christian. The four men soon became close friends and started traveling the road together.

Sometime later, Lita joined The Hardy Boyz and the trio came to be known as Team Xtreme. Lita and Matt Hardy soon began dating in 1999 and their bond strengthened. At that time, The Hardy Boyz and Edge & Christian became one of the hottest tag teams in the company during their ongoing rivalry with The Dudley Boyz.

However, after the feud ended, Matt and Jeff went their separate ways. This was when things started to go downhill for Hardy.


In about 2004, cracks began to form in Matt Hardy and Lita’s relationship. After he took some time off WWE after suffering a severe knee injury, Lita began traveling with Edge, who was a close friend of the couple. They soon began an affair at the time. It should also be mentioned that Edge was married at the time and Lita was still in a relationship with Matt Hardy.

When Hardy got to know about Lita’s infidelity, he made the affair public and berated the two superstars on the Internet. As a result, WWE fired Hardy due to unprofessional conduct on social media.

However, fans rallied behind Hardy and began a petition for him to get rehired. With each progressing week, Edge and Lita became one of the most hated heels in the business, with fans berating them and calling Lita inappropriate things. Even Hardy belittled the two superstars despite being out of the company. Eventually, he made a shocking return to WWE in 2005, when he attacked Edge backstage. He was then rehired by the company.

WWE then decided to turn this whole thing into an actual storyline by giving Hardy a segment with Lita and Edge. However, the segment did not go well for Matt, who further humiliated himself in the promo. He also lost the majority of the matches between him and Edge and ended up without getting any proper revenge on the two.

Where Are Edge, Matt Hardy, and Lita Now?

It’s safe to say that the whole ordeal between the three superstars was extremely uncomfortable and remains one of WWE’s most controversial storylines. Edge and Lita eventually broke up quietly behind the scenes. And given their history, it’s safe to assume that they did not remain friends.



Although it has been years since the infamous storyline, it still remains one of the most memorable controversies in WWE. Edge went on to marry fellow superstar Beth Phoenix and is still happily married to this day. Lita went on to become one of WWE’s most prominent and impactful female wrestlers. On the other hand, Matt Hardy currently works for AEW, where he married fellow wrestler Reby Sky.

Despite the real-life feud, it should be assumed that Edge later fixed his working relationship with Hardy. Looking back, WWE shouldn’t have incorporated real-life drama into a storyline. It was uncomfortable for all the superstars involved as well as the fans to some extent. However, it remains one of the most talked about topics even today.


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