NBA fans are upset with LeBron James’ “I Promise” school’s poor performance

Despite being a millionaire, LeBron James has not lost touch with his Akron origins and often participates in community events and organizations. He’s been a big philanthropist thanks to his huge contributions to several causes.

The “I Promise” schools he founded in Akron are one of his most impressive achievements. However, the initiative has been under scrutiny recently for delivering poor performance in terms of academics.  LeBron’s dedication to helping people in need and giving back to his community has always been a distinguishing feature of his legacy, and it won’t change anytime soon.

What happened with LeBron James “I Promise” school?

The LeBron James Family Foundation made funding for the creation of I Promise Schools (IPS), which aids “at-risk” students who are having difficulty in school. But recently, test results of the school have been discouraging, despite the school’s efforts in order to help these children go to the next level of their education.

According to reports, none of the eighth graders who have attended IPS during the past three years have passed the state maths exam. There have been questions raised about the institution’s efficiency, especially due to the $8 million in annual public financing it receives.

Despite these difficulties, LeBron James nonetheless marked the sixth anniversary of IPS by sharing a link to a post from the official IPS handle on social media. Even if there have been setbacks along the way, James’ original vision for the school is still very much in its infancy at IPS. James is prioritizing his family over the school’s performance issues at the moment because they are going through a tough time with their son.

NBA fans reaction to LeBron James’ “I Promise” school’s poor performance

NBA fans are speaking out about LeBron James’ school, “I Promise,” and the school’s poor test scores. The Akron school is not currently fulfilling the purpose for which it was founded in the first place.

Many NBA supporters, who had high aspirations for the university, have voiced their dismay at this disturbing development. Although many others have supported LeBron saying that he is not to be blamed, but still asked that the problem and its remedies be investigated further. They took to Twitter and said,

“Why they mad at Lebron?? Lmbo that’s the parents fault and teachers fault the child isn’t receiving the knowledge”

“To be fair, that’s pretty much every school in the US not just his. Yet, we still give them money to teach🤷‍♂️”

“Look at the racists who have zero idea what Bron’s school is about lol. The school literally only accepts the worst of the worst, including special needs. Half of the 6th graders in this school of disabilities. Pandemic + remote learning explains the 3yr gap.”

“the Teachers @ “I Promise” School”

“Only one man can save this school”

“I Promise graduates trying to do a state math test”

The NBA have mixed reactions to this situation, many have shown their dismay while others have supported the King by saying that the school is following the purpose for which it was formed as it only accepts at-risk students.

Let us know your reaction below.

Sami Haider

482 articles

Sami Haider is an NBA writer at SportsKnot. His foray into basketball scriptwriting started in 2020, when he was enthralled by the Los Angeles Lakers' NBA championship victory. His previous experience was limited to dribbling and dunking as a neighborhood kid. His insightful writings show how much he loves the sport. His writing goes beyond numbers and scores, giving readers a unique viewpoint on the players, teams, and events that define the basketball scene. Whether you're a die-hard fan or a casual observer, Sami's work is essential for anybody trying to expand their knowledge and love of the NBA.


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