NBA fans demolish Rashad McCants take: “Kevin Durant is gonna go down as better basketball player than LeBron James”

Rashad McCants is receiving a lot of heat because of his comments on the Gilbert Arenas show. McCants appeared on the podcast of the former professional basketball player Gilbert Arenas, where he delivered a statement that has triggered a lot of fans online.

Rashad himself is a former NBA player, and his opinion carries some experience behind it. However, the fans do not agree with his remark that Phoenix Suns star Kevin Durant is better than the Lakers’ Ace LeBron James.

Rashad McCants rates KD over LeBron

Rashad McCants had played in the NBA for the Sacramento Kings and the Minnesota Timberwolves but did not have a great career in the league. He quickly moved on to an overseas leagues. He has been a regular guest on the Gilbert Arenas show where he discusses NBA topics along with the host Gilbert Arenas.

During an episode of the Gilbert Arenas show, Rashad shared his views on the Kevin Durant vs LeBron James debate. The former player said, “I think the real hoopers know that Kevin Durant is gonna go down as better basketball player than LeBron at the end of the road, but not right now.”

He later talked about the gap between the popularity of the stars comparing LeBron, KD, and Stephen Curry. He explains that the gap between Curry and Bron is huge but the gap between KD and Bron is narrow, which gives KD an edge.

Rashad McCants
Credits: getty

NBA Twitter quick to dismiss Rashad MCCants take

Whatever Rashad McCants’ opinion may be, the NBA community is not appreciating it. The former player is receiving a lot of heat because of his comments and is getting trolled online.

The fans’ reactions are hilarious, and many pounce upon every opportunity to roast an individual. One fan commented, “Why is this guy still given a platform, don’t even know who bro is”

Another fan posted a photo bearing the quotation of JJ Reddick’s comment on ESPN’s Top 100 list. The comment said, “It’s a troll for engagement that’s all it is.”

Another fan commented, “One of the worst takes in the NBA history. KD isn’t even a top 10 player of all time,” denying heavily with McCants take and even ranking KD is not worthy to be in the top 10 of all time.

What do you think of Rashad McCants’ comments on LeBron and KD? We are eager to hear from you, so drop down in the comments and let us know.

Avi Shravan

416 articles

Avi Shravan is an anime, games and sports enthusiast who likes NBA and Soccer. He is an avid reader who loves to write as well. You can find him reading books in a cafe or playing games if he is not watching his favourite team play. You can contact him on [email protected]


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