Novak Djokovic’s coach Goran Ivanisevic sues his ex-wife for unlawfully taking money prompting domestic violence allegations

A love story that started with the hope of spending a lifetime together took an unexpected turn, and everything went wrong. Goran Ivanisevic, the coach of Novak Djokovic, began his relationship with his ex-wife Dragovic back in 1998. The couple got married in 2009, but they officially started the divorce process in 2013. Now, Ivanisevic seems to be initiating legal proceedings against his former wife.

Ivanisevic proved his mettle as a coach of 24 Grand Slam champions and a player on the tennis court but failed to exhibit the same level of proficiency in his personal relationships, as he claims that his wife has taken advantage of him illegally.

Why did Goran Ivanisevic sue his ex-wife Tatjana Dragovic?

Goran Ivanisevic recently took to Instagram to announce his intention to file a lawsuit against his ex-wife, Tatjana Dragovic. He alleges that she unlawfully took the money he earned both before and during their marriage. The Croatian newspaper Nacional first reported on this development and revealed that Ivanisevic had indeed sued Dragovic and their daughter, Amber.

The news report also indicated that Goran Ivanisevic’s ex-wife suspects the court of favoring Ivanisevic and deliberately disregarding documents used in their defense and statements regarding domestic violence. In response to these allegations, Ivanisevic sarcastically stated on social media that, after daring to claim what rightfully belongs to him, he has somehow been labeled as a family abuser and the court’s favorite.

Goran and Dragovic via Tportal
Goran and Dragovic via Tportal

“To start the moment I dared to seek the money I earned before and during the marriage, which T.D. appropriated against all laws and contracts, I became a family abuser and the court’s favorite. Now I’m just waiting for a lawsuit that should state that the T.D in question won Wimbledon and two Olympic medals, and maybe another Grand Slam, but the court has yet to confirm that.

“For all inquiries and the rest, contact my lawyers, Mr. Mandic and Mr. Stanic, who have been dealing with this case for a long time. respect, Goran,” Goran Ivanisevic wrote on his Instagram.

Goran Ivanisevic, a member of Novak Djokovic’s team since 2019, now serves as Djokovic’s mentor. “Motivating him isn’t easy due to his extensive list of achievements. Still, we’ve found our way. We often have disagreements, but on the court, it’s constructive. I genuinely enjoy this role. Success in this field requires deep passion and unwavering family support. Managing constant stress is essential for this job.” This is what Goran Ivanisevic had to say about Novak Djokovic at the Entrepreneurial Attitude Conference.

Tatjana Dragovic’s allegation on Goran Ivanisevic

Goran Ivanisevic and Tatjana Dragovic began their romantic relationship in 1999, following a brief excursion to Dubai. Their first child, a daughter named Amber, was born in 2004. In 2007, they welcomed a son, Emmanuel, into their family. Two years later, in 2009, the couple decided to formalize their commitment and got married.

Goran Ivanisevic
via 24sata

In 2006, rumors circulated about Goran Ivanisevic dating a model named Vanja Halilovic. A photograph scandal later confirmed their affair. Throughout Goran’s married life, Halilovic was a source of contention. During their divorce, Dragovic asserted that she had been treated as a mistress and had suffered violence from her husband. In 2013, the couple divorced, and by that time, Goran and Halilovic had already parted ways.

Victor Okechukwu

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