Saquon Barkley reacts to uncertain future following franchise tag deadline expiry

Free agency has not appeared as a blessing for the New York Giants running back Shaquon Barkley. After a month of speculations, the Giants are still not ready to extend their bonding with their veteran player. 

Saquons’ NFL journey came into daylight with the Giants through the 2018 NFL draft. Now, the team who saw hope and determination in the player lost their interest in him. Regarding their decision, the running back also shared back-to-back responses with the team.

Saquon Barkley takes to social media following franchise tag deadline expiry

The 26-year-old had a wish to be a part of the Giants all through his NFL career, but the thought of the squad did not coordinate with him. In spite of having a bewildering final season, the team has no intrigued in marking the running back to a long-term deal that was uncovered yesterday.  He isn’t too inquisitive about playing on the establishment tag.

Subsequently, long after his team was hesitant to offer him a multi-year contract expansion deal, Barkley went on Twitter to precise his conclusion with respect to their choice.

” It is what it is,” posted by the Giants player, which is a clear hit to the Giants’ team.

The Giants are still in a contract impasse with the RB

The Giants put an establishment tag on the running back in Walk which would pay him $10.1 million for this season. However, he did not acknowledge the tag and did not appear in the Giants’ minicamp and organized group activities.

Until yesterday, there was small hope remaining, as the team had a due date of 17th July to work out a multi-year contract with the player. They conclude up being quiet uncovering that they are not prepared for his contract restructure.


Though the two-time Pro Bowler is out of contract with the Giants, he still can run for them and get a salary if he signs his contract before the start of the regular season. In case he does not do this, he will need to remain on the seat for the complete season.

The former Offensive Rookie of the Year played a pivotal role in the Giants’ resurgence, thus anticipating a multi-year contract expansion bargain isn’t a heavy expectation as he already expressed he isn’t trying to find a profitable bargain or maybe needs to remain within the field.

Shabiha Akter

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Shabiha, once a casual observer, has morphed into a die-hard NFL fan. She carefully dissects every play, trade, and strategy. Whether it's breaking down game highlights or predicting playoff outcomes, Shabiha is your go-to source for all things NFL.


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