“The day I got released, everything stopped”: Hornswoggle opens up on heartbreak of being fired by WWE

Despite his small size, former WWE Superstar Hornswoggle made a significant impact on WWE television in the mid to late 2000s, having more than a decade of experience. Interestingly, it appears that Hornswoggle had foreseen his departure from WWE.

For his initial violation of the WWE Wellness Policy, Dylan Postl, also known as Hornswoggle, received a 30-day ban, as stated in WWE’s release. This marks the first time a suspension for a Wellness violation has been disclosed publicly. Following his release from WWE, he openly discussed the pain of being let go.

Why Hornswoggle thought WWE will never fire a midget

Hornswoggle often shows twice the ferocity in the ring, while being half the stature of his fellow superstars. When Hornswoggle first appeared on the scene in 2006, he played the role of a naughty little creature who would sneak out from beneath Fit Finlay’s opponents to cause trouble. 

Michael Cole gave him a nickname because of his strange conduct, and it stayed until his true identity was exposed the year after. The former Raw GM recently appeared on Road Dogg’s ‘Oh You Didn’t Know’ podcast, where he spoke about a lot of things, such as his unusual hiring by WWE and the unforgettable WeeLC match.

Reflecting on his dismissal from the organization in May 2016, the 37-year-old wrestler mentioned that he hadn’t given much thought to his future outside of WWE. Despite the reality of his departure hitting Hornswoggle, it felt as if he had been shocked.

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He said, “It never hit me. I was there for so long, I thought ‘Oh they can’t fire a midget.’ They did eventually. It was that moment when it hit me. The day I got released it was like everything stopped. It was just this weird moment where I remember sitting on my living room floor and like everything stopped, the whole world almost froze.”

Hornswoggle’s triumph over challenges as a single dad

It was once thought that Hornswoggle was a small fairy playing with Fit Finlay, but it turned out that he was actually Vince McMahon’s child from a previous relationship. This has kept him mysterious throughout his career. He left WWE and went into the independent scene, dropping the “Horn” from his name and becoming known right away as Swoggle.

Swoggle continued making headlines by working for companies like CHIKARA and WrestlePro, and even making appearances at WrestleCon. Demonstrating his versatility, he featured in movies such as Muppets Most Wanted and Leprechaun: Origins. His stint with IMPACT Wrestling was on and off from 2016 to 2020, where he collaborated with Rockstar Spud (Drake Maverick) and Robbie E (Robert Stone).

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When Hornswoggle was first let go from WWE, he was worried about what he would do as a dad, but he kept going. About his tension, he said, “What am I gonna do? I’ve never wrestled independently in all reality. I’ve been paid well, for 10 years of my life, two weeks under 10 years. What am I going to do? I have a child who is in elementary school. As a single dad, what am I going to do?”

He worked hard to support his family by appearing in movies and TV shows and using his funny image. Despite his size, he is still a loving father. Should WWE continue to include him in their primary promotions, in your view? Share your thoughts in the comment section.

Robin Ahmed

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Oh, hi, this is Md Robin Ahmed, a WWE fan and I everyday go through a slew of popular WWE stories on Sportszion. Watching Big Show's Showstopper was the beginning of my passion for WWE, though I have to say that his Chokeslam is not one of my favorite moves. Over time, my love for professional wrestling has intensified, mostly due to the Shield, and my all-time favorite wrestler in WWE is Big Dog. I would give everything to be able to be within a few feet of him to witness his iconic Superman Punch and Spear. My major is engineering, but I'm most happy when I'm doing something artistic that doesn't put me under any pressure. Watching them wrestle and discuss their matches is always fun for me. And I've finally discovered a career that gives me fun since it allows me to with my dream heroes lifestyle. So, Welcome! I'd love to hear from you on LinkedIn and Facebook.


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