The Rock speaks up on slapping Cody Rhodes: Your hero fu**ed around and found out

A brawl broke out during the WrestleMania KickOff press conference, causing controversy as The Rock got into an altercation with Cody Rhodes and Seth Rollins. He went so far as to dare Triple H to “fix” the problem, leading fans to speculate about a possible “Heel” turn.

The People’s Champion is often silent when controversy arises, but he has been causing quite a stir as of late. The rivalry he had with Cody Rhodes at WrestleMania 40 KickOff is making waves among wrestling fans and media. A long cryptic statement from The Rock to fans caused some controversy when he slapped Cody Rhodes and joined The Bloodline.

The Rock breaks silence on slapping Cody Rhodes

The press conference for WrestleMania 40 was a chaotic spectacle from the very beginning. The question that everyone had been waiting for was finally answered by Cody Rhodes. On the other hand, what Dwayne Johnson performed after that was the highlight of the show. After The American Nightmare made the announcement, fans had a better idea of who Roman Reigns’ WrestleMania opponent.

The Rock
via wrestlezone

The situation became more heated when Johnson slapped Rhodes as he was speaking at the news conference. Since that time, the animosity between them has continued to generate a lot of interest in the wrestling industry.

At this point, even The Rock has addressed the situation publicly. Recently, The Rock uploaded a video to Instagram that was taken at the press conference that took place in Las Vegas. The footage revealed the exact moment when he hit Cody Rhodes.

The video shows him standing up for Reigns’ dignity and his message that anybody who disrespects Reigns is demeaning him as well. He expressed gratitude to the fans for their support and dropped a hint that Cody had received what was coming to him.

Why The Rock turned heel?

Anxieties among WWE fans have been heightened since The Rock himself has acknowledged turning heel. He subsequently used social media to further solidify the moment, which began during a heated argument during the WrestleMania 40 press conference in Las Vegas. 

The Rock was formerly well-liked by fans, but he received negative feedback when he tried to unseat Cody Rhodes at WrestleMania. Fans rallied around Rhodes despite the nasty chanting and social media trends that ensued. After calling Cody fans “cry babies,” The Rock’s reaction to the uproar suggested he had gone dark. 

The Rock
via wrestletalk

A new aspect is introduced to The Bloodline by The Rock’s heel turn, as he aligns himself with them. As a result of The Rock’s change of loyalty, the outcome of the highly anticipated Reigns-Rhodes matchup is now up in the air at WrestleMania 40.

Have you ever imagined that Brahma Bull would shake hands with his Bloodline’s relatives over the objections of the fans? Leave a comment with your ideas in the comment section.

Robin Ahmed

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Oh, hi, this is Md Robin Ahmed, a WWE fan and I everyday go through a slew of popular WWE stories on Sportszion. Watching Big Show's Showstopper was the beginning of my passion for WWE, though I have to say that his Chokeslam is not one of my favorite moves. Over time, my love for professional wrestling has intensified, mostly due to the Shield, and my all-time favorite wrestler in WWE is Big Dog. I would give everything to be able to be within a few feet of him to witness his iconic Superman Punch and Spear. My major is engineering, but I'm most happy when I'm doing something artistic that doesn't put me under any pressure. Watching them wrestle and discuss their matches is always fun for me. And I've finally discovered a career that gives me fun since it allows me to with my dream heroes lifestyle. So, Welcome! I'd love to hear from you on LinkedIn and Facebook.


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