Toto Wolff envisions Red Bull table standing in Formula 1 season without Max Verstappen

Max Verstappen and Red Bull have been so successful this season that it feels like they have already won the Formula One Championship and Red Bull’s sixth constructor title, even though there are still 10 races left to go before the mid-season break. Verstappen is currently 125 points ahead of the closest competitor and Red Bull have broken McLaren’s record of 12 consecutive wins as constructor.

Due to their utter dominance, many fans and drivers have wondered how the grid would be without Max Verstappen in the sport. Upon that dream sequence, Mercedes team principal Toto Wolff has recently joined this list.

Mercedes chief  Toto Wolff pictures F1 season without Verstappen

Red Bull has been the undisputed leader this year, and Verstappen has been a major factor in their success, taking 10 out of the 12 races. The Dutchman is way ahead in the Drivers’ Championship, with a huge 125-point lead over his teammate Sergio Perez, who has also managed to win two Grand Prix.

Toto Wolff

However, Perez has been going through a difficult period, not managing to qualify for the final segment in five consecutive races. Nevertheless, Red Bull’s dominance has been uncontested, while Mercedes and Aston have had the second-fastest car in different events, and Mercedes is 51 points clear of Aston Martin in the constructors’ standings.

According  to racing365 when Toto was asked about the the current season getting too predictable he said, “Yeah, I think you just need to take Max out of the equation, the second Red Bull is where we are.”

“It would be a fantastic season and close racing. But you know, the stopwatch never lies, there’s just one guy in one car that is above everything else. And we just got to catch up. There’s no choice.”

Over the past few weeks, we have heard the Silver Arrows team principal frustrated over the team radio. Beneath the static, one can hear the yearning to get back to winning ways, but given the Bulls dominance, that might be a long shot now. Nonetheless, Toto is infamous for tackling situations smoothly under pressure and the team and fans expect nothing less from him.

Verstappen stands on the verge of history at upcoming Dutch GP

The weekend at Spa saw a RedBull racer pair cruise to a 1-2 win. The Dutchman clinched his 45th career victory, adding to an impressive record that saw him become only the second driver ever in F1 to take 8 consecutive races. Only Sebastian Vettel has a longer streak throughout history, and that also happened during Vettel’s time with Red Bull.

Vettel was unstoppable during his heyday with Red Bull in 2013, winning nine races in a row and clinching a fourth consecutive World Drivers’ Championship. Verstappen is on track to collect his third successive title and is one victory shy of matching Vettel’s record. He is set to attempt it at his home race following the summer break in the Netherlands.

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Mark Webber, a former Formula 1 driver who was Vettel’s teammate when he won nine races in a row, belives that Max Verstappen and the unbeatable Red Bull 19 are not prevented from doing exceptionally well at the Dutch Grand Prix and matching Vettel’s incredible accomplishment. Mark said, “We know the level of intensity he brings – he’s top drawer. For the opposition, of course, he’s now well-established in his career, he’s got an immense amount of experience.

“I think the world would like to see him win his home race [at Zandvoort]. To do the business there would be extraordinary. He should win that one and then he’s equal.”

What are your views on Toto Wolff’s vision with Max not being in Formula 1? And do let us know your thoughts on Verstappen breaking Seb’s record in the comments section down below.


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