TSP crew reveals ‘typical Cam Newton behavior’ real reason behind heated brawl at 7-on-7 Atlanta camp

Following the conclusion of their NFL careers, many players maintain their connection to football through coaching or analysis. Likewise, former Carolina Panthers player Cam Newton, whose professional journey took an unexpected turn, stays engaged with the sport through his sports organization, C1N.

Newton’s organization recently took part in the inaugural “We Ball Sports” 7-on-7 tournament in Atlanta, where a heated altercation ensued between Newton and the TSP crew. Subsequently, members of the TSP crew shed light on the reasons behind the brawl.

TSP Crew sheds light on altercation with Cam Newton

After the altercation that occurred during a 7-on-7 football tournament in Atlanta involving Cam Newton and the TSP crew, coaches TJ and Steph Brown provided insights into the incident. 

TJ went on to characterize the situation as “typical Cam Newton behavior on the 7-on-7 scene,” stating that, while Newton has a history of confrontations, the recent incident exceeded expectations.

“This is typical Cam Newton behavior on the 7-on-7 scene,” TJ said, per Fox News. “But yesterday was a little worse, and you can even ask people in his organization. Cam ain’t never act like that. I’ve seen him talk crazy to parents, talk crazy to some of the kids because everybody tries to make it seem like, ‘Oh, the kids just be disrespecting Cam.’ No, Cam be disrespecting people, too.”

TSP crew
iva Times Now

Steph Brown, recalling his own involvement in the altercation, expressed disappointment in himself. He then clarified that his intention was not to harm Newton but rather to convey a message to him.

“I’m disappointed in myself. I let Cam trigger me to that point where I entertained what he was doing, but it was never out of ill will or to put him in harm’s way. But me going up there was to let him know, ‘Cam, you’re not gonna disrespect our organization, you’re not going to disrespect our kids or our parents out here,” Steph added.

The incident occurred during the “We Ball Sports” 7-on-7 tournament in Atlanta, where both teams were competing. Surprisingly, four men from Team TSP initially attacked Newton, with two more joining in later. Despite facing multiple attackers, Newton remained composed and managed to handle the situation with ease.

Cam Newton garners praise from multiple celebs

After the recent altercation involving Cam Newton, the former NFL quarterback has found himself at the center of attention, receiving an outpouring of acceptance and support from numerous A-list athletes.

Robert Griffin III took to X to address the incident, urging the importance of putting an end to any disrespect aimed at Newton. Griffin also stated the problematic nature of the actions of the crew involved in the skirmish.

Tre Boston, expressing his astonishment at the treatment of Newton, shared the significance of Newton’s presence in motivating young athletes in an X post.

“Cam out here treating grown men like Kids! Lmaooo I’ve seen this before! This sad tho! You fighting a man who out there motivating the kids and giving them opportunities to showcase they talents. I just know they think they “Standin On Business” too looking stupid!! SMH,” he wrote.

Emmanuel Acho also joined them to support the former NFL player while questioning the rationale behind engaging in a physical altercation with Newton.

 “Cam Newton made NFL Linebackers look small, so why in the world would you, a mere mortal, ever think fighting Cam Newton is a good idea,” Emmanuel Acho wrote.

What’s your opinion regarding the heated exchange between Newton and the TSP crew? Tell us in the comments.

Shabiha Akter

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Shabiha, once a casual observer, has morphed into a die-hard NFL fan. She carefully dissects every play, trade, and strategy. Whether it's breaking down game highlights or predicting playoff outcomes, Shabiha is your go-to source for all things NFL.


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