UFC owner credits $500 million Dana White’s bold leadership for saving $12.1 billion empire

Dana White, widely acknowledged as one of the most influential figures in the history of mixed martial arts, is also universally acclaimed as arguably the most powerful president in the domain of combat sports. Dana’s strong resolve not only helped keep the company afloat on multiple occasions but also projected the MMA landscape onto the global stage like never before.

The tale of how Dana elevated the company from the brink of financial collapse to a multi-billion dollar juggernaut is truly captivating. That’s why the actual owner of the UFC attributes the survival and success of the $12.1 billion empire, even amidst the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, to Dana White’s bold and fearless leadership.

Dana White’s unconventional moves paved the way for UFC’s success

One of Dana White’s most formidable challenges, apart from his initial struggles when taking the helm of the company, occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the circumstances, Dana chose to move forward, driven by his ‘unwavering’ belief that the show must go on.

Dana expressed that the global fear overnight was astonishing to him, to the point of frustration by saying, “I don’t give a shit about the Coronavirus. As far as I’m concerned we are gonna continue to run our business.”

Dana chose to remain consciously oblivious to the media’s opinions, emphasizing that their words won’t provide for families or care for individuals. This outlook prompted him to provide support to numerous individuals associated with the organization.

Ari Emanuel, Endeavor’s CEO, credited Dana for ensuring the company’s resilience. Ari revealed his initial intentions to halt operations, but Dana’s steadfast approach guided the way.  The UFC head conveyed the message that they wouldn’t be halting operations but instead forging ahead.

“So we got him an island, and he did everything else. It kind of just reminded me, like, yeah, it’s nerve-wracking. But don’t be scared. And he was amazing. And I was on the other side of that fence.” Emanuel said.

Emanuel acknowledges Dana White as an exceptional partner in business. According to Ari, they absorbed considerable pressure and criticism, particularly directed at Dana, but successfully handled the storm together.

When did Dana White become UFC president?

Within the MMA community, the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) stands out as a highly influential and rapidly expanding global promotion. Guided by Dana White since 2001, the UFC’s journey from financial turmoil to a billion-dollar powerhouse is a remarkable testament to White’s leadership.

Throughout the trajectory of the UFC under White’s guidance, challenges have been visible from every corner. In the face of many of these trials, White, often hailed as a determined president, has revolutionized the landscape of combat sports.

Now in 2023, Dana’s efforts have helped turn the UFC into the ultimate platform for mixed martial arts athletes, solidifying its status as arguably the most financially lucrative combat sports organization.

What is your view on Dana White? Share your thoughts with us in the comment section.

Khandaker Muntasir

180 articles

Khandaker Muntasir Hossain is not only passionate about astronomy and gastronomy but also possesses a deep love for writing, researching, and reading. His love for sports, combined with his writing prowess, has enabled him to excel in creating captivating sports contents. Exploring an array of sports domains—from soccer and basketball to MMA and boxing—Muntasir offers comprehensive coverage to satiate your thirst for sports knowledge.


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