Umaga’s death moved Shannon Moore to say, “that probably hurt me more than anything”

Former WWE superstar Shannon Moore recently went on record to talk about several people who had a significant influence on his career and credited them with “saving his life.” Among those people, the late WWE legend Umaga was also mentioned, as he played a significant role in shaping Moore’s life.

Despite not having much success in the ring, Shannon, best known for his time in WCW back in the ’90s, was a part of a ‘boy band’ while holding multiple championships. He had two short stints with WWE, with the first one being in the early 2000s, and the second one being from 2006-08.

Shannon Moore was deeply distressed by the news of Umaga’s passing

Following his release from WWE in 2008, Moore took some time off from the ring and started hanging out with his childhood friends and WWE legends, Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy. During this time, Shannon Moore was apparently close with renowned WWE superstar, Umaga.

In 2009, Umaga had called Moore and told him about Hulk Hogan’s upcoming tour of Australia, as he promised to get Moore a spot and a payday at the event. Both superstars ended up at the tour, however unknown to Moore, it would be his last time hanging out with Umaga, who was found dead in his hotel room a few days after the event. Apparently, he had passed away from a sudden heart-attack, which shocked the wrestling world, especially Shannon Moore.

The former WWE superstar opened up about his difficulties in coping with the news of his friend’s death. He revealed that he had extreme suicidal thoughts at the time and was devastated when he first heard about Umaga’s death. He also talked about the times when he and his late friend would stay up at night, talking about his kids.

“That probably hurt me more than anything,” said Shannon Moore while appearing on a podcast. “When I got word [that Umaga had died], just like, ‘Man, why couldn’t that have been me?’ I don’t have kids. I don’t have nothing, and I sobbed. It hit me hard man. That’s probably the one that hit the hardest.”

Shannon Moore and Umaga’s Business Connection

Shannon Moore and Umaga shared a deep bond, as the latter had helped his friend several times in getting back on his feet after his release from WWE. Ever since Umaga’s unexpected demise, Moore has gone on record several times, lamenting his friend’s passing and talked fondly of the time they shared together. Apparently, they were living together when both of them were starting out in the wrestling industry.

Umaga had also helped Moore get some spots and paydays at some events, which helped him after his exit from WWE. Throughout his career, Moore had faced a great deal of substance abuse. He later got the help he needed, as WWE payed for his time in rehab, which proved to be a major turning point for Moore. He is now helping other people get sober.

Shannon Moore has faced several low points in his life, with the death of Umaga being a major blow to him. All his traumatic experiences helped shape the man that Moore is today, as he seems to be in the best shape of his life, helping people on their journey to sobriety.


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