Vince McMahon officially responds to Janel Grant accusations

Vince McMahon has finally responded to accusations by Janel Grant. Back in January, Grant filed a lawsuit against the ex-WWE chairman, accusing him, John Laurinaitis and several unnamed WWE personnel of sex trafficking, sexual assault and misconduct.

In response to these accusations, Vince McMahon filed a motion to compel arbitration on Tuesday. According to the filing, the 78-year-old has denied all the accusations, claiming them to be pure fiction to garner publicity. It also stated that Grant had violated the terms of an NDA (non-disclosure agreement) and any dispute between the two parties had to be sorted in private rather than public court.

McMahon also revealed that Grant wrote him a love letter before ending their relationship, which was consensual. In the lawsuit filed by Grant, it was mentioned that at the time of the events in 2019, she was grieving the loss of her parents. McMahon’s filing questioned it, stating that her parents passed away long ago.

The motion claimed that Janel Grant’s long-term boyfriend and fiance, Brian Goncalves, lived in a multi-million-dollar building in Stamford where Grant and McMahon also lived. Grant allegedly met with McMahon at all hours, including late at night, to indulge in their relationship, and then returned to live with her boyfriend. After the filing, Grant’s attorney, Ann Callis, provided a swift response to it.

Janel Grant’s attorney responds to Vince McMahon’s motion

According to Brandon Thurston of Wrestlenomics, Janel Grant’s attorney responded to Vince McMahon’s filing. Callis said, “Vince McMahon has never known a storyline that he doesn’t twist to fit his own shameful narrative. Her father was in in-home hospice during his final days where Janel continued to care for him around the clock. Prior to his death, she had been caring for her blind, wheelchair-bound mother. Using the grief of someone who lost both of her parents is an all new level of disgusting.”

Callis also denied that Grant was not in a relationship with Brian Goncalves in 2019, but admitted that they lived in the same building.

Since the emergence of the allegations, Vince McMahon has sold millions worth of TKO shares and reportedly lived his best life without much worry. Recently, it was also disclosed that Vince was in touch with John Cena and The Rock following the lawsuit filing.

The ongoing legal battle might take a new turn following Vince McMahon’s response, but the lawsuit is far from its conclusive stage.


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