What items were stolen from Colorado locker room during UCLA game? Investigating the real cause

College football is an intense and exciting sighter of things to come in the later seasons of the NFL. Young players are trained by the best in the business to excel at their craft and later go on to take the league by storm.

However, this lucrative little prospect also comes with its own share of bizarre mishaps, as the Colorado State players found out after their match against UCLA at the Rose Bowl Stadium.

What items were stolen from the Colorado locker room?

Last Saturday, Coach Deion Sanders and the Colorado Buffaloes visited the Rose Bowl Stadium in what turned out to be a 28-16 loss at the hands of the UCLA Bruins. But the shock actually came after the game when the players realized that their precious jewelry and cash had been stolen.

The Bruins’ athletic department issued a statement on the situation. “UCLA is in communication with law enforcement, Rose Bowl Stadium officials and the University of Colorado on the matter.”

In a video that has since emerged from the day of the incident, several players are seen frowning at the state of affairs in the locker room. When they were asked if they had their jewelry stolen, none of them answered directly but looked visibly frustrated.

Coach Deion Sanders urges NCAA to take action

Deion Sanders, ex-NFL great and now the coach of the Colorado State Buffaloes, urged the NCAA to take action against the perpetrators in light of the incident. He also went on to say that the stadium authorities should reimburse the players who had lost significant amounts of money.

With the investigation in progress, the LAPD issued a statement saying, “The suspects in the case are juveniles. Search warrants were executed, and additional information will be provided soon as the investigation progresses.”

As revealed by the police department, some items have since been recovered and handed over to their respective owners, but the majority of loot still remains at large. Surely this is not a good look at the administrators of the Rose Bowl, arguably one of the most fabled venues in the entire country.

As for the Buffaloes, they go on to face off against Arizona State in their first season with Sanders at the helm of affairs. It has to be said that Sanders’ coaching career at Colorado hasn’t had the best of starts, with the team having a 4-5 record in their first nine games of the season.


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