What potential punishment Dani Alves faces if found guilty? Investigating the former Barcelona star’s alleged s*xual assault case

Dani Alves, once considered one of the world’s best soccer players, played for renowned clubs like Barcelona, Juventus, and Paris Saint-Germain, achieving numerous accolades. As a right back, he was the most decorated player in the sport before Lionel Messi overtook him this year.

Recently representing Brazil even in the World Cup, Alves has now faced a significant fall from grace. He is currently in prison awaiting trial for a sexual assault allegation that reportedly occurred in December of last year in a Barcelona nightclub, involving the assault of a young woman in the bathroom.

Dani Alves to stand trial

On Tuesday, the Barcelona court that detained him in prison announced the decision to open a trial, citing sufficient evidence. While a specific date has not been set, the trial could occur within the next month or so. There has been no response from Dani Alves or his legal representatives at this time.

A legal document regarding the hearing was signed by three judges that said, “The statements of the alleged victim and the witnesses statements and experts’ reports that appear in the case must be considered as sufficient for this purpose, without prejudice to the final outcome following the plenary phase.”

Dani Alves has been in prison since January, after being accused of the deed. He was kept in jail after there was enough evidence from statements from all parties involved and some investigation. In August, he was officially indicted with the crime.

The 40 year old footballer has requested for bail multiple times, but was rejected each time as he was considered a ‘flight risk’, someone who could escape. The Brazilian football star even offered his passports and promised to wear a tracking device, it was rejected.

The former Barcelona legend has repeatedly denied any illicit acts, though he has provided a new statement every time. He had initially claimed not to know the woman, but later said he did have sexual relations with her but consensually.

What potential punishment does Alves face?

If found guilty, Dani Alves would face severe consequences under Spanish law, as the crime occurred in Spain. The extent of his punishment could be influenced by the nation’s laws, particularly considering the changes introduced with the new sexual consent laws passed in Spain last year.

Dani Alves

Spain’s laws cover everything from online sexual abuse to rape, and has various punishments available. Rape can result in a punishment of the minimum four years to the maximum of fifteen years. Another individual in Spain that is being investigated is Luis Rubiales, the former president of the Spanish soccer association for kissing a player.

It remains to be seen whether the trial finds Dani Alves guilty of the crime he has been accused of, with no date chosen yet.

Fazal Al Bashar

562 articles

Fazal is a passionate soccer aficionado, who when not discovering the latest soccer stories and rumors, indulges in playing FIFA all night. While he sucks at the sport, he knows the who and what in all things soccer-related.


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