Who are in the Mt. Rushmore of Wrestling big men? The Undertaker expresses his thoughts

WWE Hall of Famer The Undertaker shared his personal Mount Rushmore of the biggest big men in wrestling history on his YouTube channel, “Six Feet Under with Mark Calaway.” He selected wrestlers who exceeded both 300 pounds and 6’5” in stature.

Although The Deadman’s list is subjective and not everyone will agree with his selection, but it provides a unique insight into the world of professional wrestling, reflecting his admiration for the skills and contributions of these legendary wrestling giants.

The Undertaker gives his take on Mt. Rushmore wrestling big men

WWE Hall of Famer The Undertaker recently shared his opinion on which four legends he would include on a wrestling big men version of Mount Rushmore. Wrestling fans and enthusiasts often discuss the top four icons in wrestling history.

The latest video has been uploaded on the “Six Feet Under with Mark Calaway” YouTube channel. In the video, The Undertaker shared his perspective on the Mount Rushmore of wrestling’s biggest big men. He only selected wrestlers who were known for their size.

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At number four, The Undertaker praised Big Van Vader, acknowledging his versatility and agility, and recognizing him as a huge star, especially in Japan. Moving on to number three, The Deadman expressed appreciation for his friend Yokozuna, clarifying that it’s not just because they were friends but because of Zuna’s impressive size and speed.

“Big Van Vader is a big man. He really could do it all. He was incredibly agile. I mean, he was so believable, I think, because most of his stuff was laid in, but he was such a huge star, especially in Japan. Man, he just had some wars. I had a heck of a run within myself in WWE. Just, I think, a classic big man that could move, and I just thought that the most impressive thing was the big guys that could move and be athletes, and he was all of that.”

“The things that he could do would defy your sense of logic and reasoning because your mind would tell you there’s no possible way that a man that size can move and do the things that Yokozuna could do. It was honestly incredible to watch him, and it was even more incredible to be able to work, and man did we have just knockdown, drag-out, killer matches. I’m firm on Yokozuna. He was just a classic, big man who carried himself in a big man’s way. Just awesome,” said The Undertaker.

The second place was awarded to Kane. The Undertaker praised Kane for his impressive athleticism and well-rounded skills. In terms of the greatest big man of all time, The Undertaker’s top choice is Andre the Giant, whom he considers the original face of wrestling even before Hulk Hogan. He claimed that André was the biggest attraction in wrestling history.

“My number two has got to be Kane. I mean, arguably, it could be number one. I’m going to go to Kane at number two. Kane is the kind of guy, and not just because he’s a big guy, but because it’s like if you were going to start a company, if you were going to start your own wrestling company, you want to start with a Kane on your roster because Kane could work with anybody.”

“Number one, the greatest big man of all time, is, without a doubt, Andre the Giant. Just incredible. He was the face of wrestling before Hogan or anyone else. Andre was just a mythical person who traveled around the country. A lot of you didn’t see Andre until the end, when his health was in decline, but when Andre was a young man, the things that he could do at the size that he was, he was the biggest attraction in wrestling history, and my goodness, he could work with anybody if he liked you. If he didn’t like it, it could be a long night at the office,” added The Undertaker.

WWE Hall of Famer rated Kane over the Undertaker

WWE has offered its fans some excellent storylines and has done a great job of pairing up its superstars. An iconic example of this is the promotion’s use of The Undertaker and Kane, creating an immaculate storyline that drew comparisons between the two massive legends. The duo’s half-brother storyline was believable due to their physical similarities. However, not many fans know the reality, which was revealed last year by WWE Hall of Famer Bully Ray.

During an appearance on “Busted Open Radio” on May 30, 2023, Ray expressed his belief that Kane was superior to The Undertaker based on his personal experience. This opinion may come as a surprise to those who have always considered The Undertaker to be the only legend with an unbeatable aura.

It is fair to say that fans have always been intimidated by The Undertaker’s captivating storylines and impressive physique. However, in reality, his ‘half-brother’ Kane may have appeared even more massive as Bully Ray said, “I’m 6’3, 295 pounds, even when I stood next to, Taker was tall, but Kane was just massive.”

According to a WWE Hall of Famer, Kane was bigger than The Phenom based on his experience. But that’s not all. The Hall of Famer also revealed a little-known fact about Kane, mentioning how Kane mistreated other WWE superstars during his active career.

“Kane had so much dense muscle on him; you knew that when you’re standing next to him, he can manhandle you, and he normally does,” Bully Ray added.

Do you agree with The Undertaker’s selections for his Mount Rushmore of big men in the history of wrestling, or do you have a different list in mind? Please let us know in the comments section below!

Majidul Islam

440 articles

Majidul Islam Rahat is a passionate WWE enthusiast and accomplished writer immersed in the world of professional wrestling. Majidul has keen insights and a deep understanding of the WWE universe. He combines his love for the sport with his storytelling prowess as a dedicated WWE writer. With a flair for capturing electrifying moments within the squared circle, He crafts compelling narratives that resonate with fellow fans.


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