Michael Jordan and Stephen Curry are both considered some of the greatest basketball players of all time. Jordan is undoubtedly the legendary figure between the two, but Steph has also carved his own legacy in the NBA through hard work. Both stars are immensely popular among fans and have exerted significant influence over the years.
However, Gilbert “Agent Zero” Arenas recently highlighted the differences between these two stars, explaining the primary reason why Michael Jordan is a legend in the game and is more influential than Stephen Curry.
Who is more influential, Michael Jordan or Stephen Curry? Gilbert Arenas explained
Gilbert Arenas clearly stated the difference between Michael Jordan and Stephen Curry on the Gilbert Arenas Show. He stated, “Everybody thinks they can be Steph, Everybody wanted to be Jordan.” He emphasized how people think they can be like Stephen Curry if hard work is put behind the intent but the true desire of people was to be like Jordan.
“You can’t be Mike but we wanted to be Mike,” said Arenas. He further talked about the contribution of MJ in the basketball world and his role in influencing young players to pick up professional basketball as a career. He said, “Michael Jordan wanted us and made us what it is to be a basketball player.”
Here’s the best way to compare Michael Jordan and Steph Curry’s influence.
— Gilbert Arenas (@GilsArenaShow) October 12, 2023
EVERYBODY wanted to play like Mike.
But folks BELIEVE they could be Steph. pic.twitter.com/HrfXysIeLv
He then went on to talk about the huge influence of MJ on the sneaker market. Jordan’s shoe lineup has been the hottest-selling sneakers in the world for more than a decade. No other NBA star’s sneaker brand has even come close to the numbers the Nike Jordan line has put up.
Arenas also talked about the influence of MJ on the video gaming industry and how people instantly chose the Bulls in basketball simulation games just because they wanted to be like Jordan. Gilbert easily differentiated between Curry and Jordan, putting up a valid reasoning on why MJ is more influential than Curry.
Michael Jordan once claimed Magic Johnson is better than Stephen Curry
Michael Jordan and Magic Johnson have been good friends and it is clear whose side Michael would take when it comes to choosing between Johnson and Curry. The Curry vs Johnson debate started when Steph called himself the greatest of all-time point guard on the Gilbert Arenas show. Since then this debate has picked up a lot of pace and many veterans and legends have given their opinions on the debate.

The debate went to a whole other level when Stephen A. Smith read a text message he received on television. The message said, “Good morning, Sir. Although the greatest of anything is always been a debate, I beg to differ on the greatest point guard of all time, with what you said. Magic J. is the best point guard of all time. Steph Curry is very close indeed, but not in front of Magic.” this text was sent by none other than the legend MJ himself.
What do you think of Arenas’ reasoning for Michael Jordan being more influential than Curry? Who do you think is the GOAT between Johnson and Curry? We are eager to hear your opinion, so drop it down in the comments section and let us know.