Who is Serena Williams’ husband Alexis Ohanian? Meet Reddit co-founder who inspired Internet with a passionate ‘Home Project’ for Kids

Everyone knows the women’s tennis GOAT, Serena Williams, and her unparalleled mark on the sport. She broke barriers for women and people of color, and the William sisters’ story is truly awe-inspiring. Meka redefined the standards of women’s tennis during her time on the court and continues to inspire the next generations. While she stayed the formidable force on-court, her love story with Alexis Ohanian revealed the legend’s soft side.

In 2015, what began as two strangers fighting over who gets a free table in a hotel sparked one of the cutest love stories. Fast-tracking just a year after this, Serena announced their engagement and the pregnancy of their first daughter! Eight years in, the couple is still going strong, pranking each other and goofing around even during the gender reveal party of their second child.

Who is Serena Williams’ husband Alexis Ohanian?

The Alexis-Serena fairytale began in Rome when they met in a hotel. The vibes between this dynamic duo must have been unreal as their relationship moved super fast over the next couple of years. One reason why this couple is inseparable could be because of how they both support each other in their unique individual journeys.

Long before meeting Serena, Alexis Ohanian was a tech visionary. Having co-founded Reddit, he revolutionized the online community with his entrepreneurship. As an investor, he has funded over 100 ventures and continues to inspire the future tech generation to come up with creative innovations.

See Serena Williams & Alexis Ohanian's Daughter's 'Rite of Passage' – SheKnows

Recently, the power couple announced that they were co-owners of the Los Angeles Golf Club (LAGC). They also own the NWSL football team, Angel City FC. Not only are they extremely smart influencers and investors, but also the most amazing parents to their daughter, little Olympia.

Alexis Ohanian inspired Internet with a passionate ‘Home Project’ for Kids

Over the years, Serena and Alexis shared countless pictures and videos with their daughter since she was born. Olympia is absolutely adored by the tennis community and her parents are usually praised for the adorable and kind daughter who they are bringing up. Recently, Alexis shared pictures of his cute father-daughter date at Home Depot, building cool projects together.

After this iconic influencer shared little Olympia’s work, tweets swamped the internet with pictures of their adorable-looking projects made with their kids. Alexis sweetly took time to respond to each of these pictures and praised the hard work and beautiful art pieces by the kids.

Do you think Olympia will grow up to become a tennis legend or a tech wiz? Let us know your predictions in the comments below!

Manjukashika K R

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