Why Conor McGregor called ‘The Notorious’? exploring the origin of UFC champion’s nickname

Conor McGregor, the renowned Irish martial artist, stands as a colossal superstar in the combat sports world, solidifying his global presence through both his business ventures and out-of-octagon antics. Despite encountering significant controversies, McGregor’s superstardom remains unscathed.

The Irishman’s colossal growth stemmed from his bold and brash demeanor, masterful trash-talking abilities, and most importantly, his ability to back up his words inside the octagon, making him a force to be reckoned with.

While fans are well-acquainted with the UFC giant, the origins of his nickname, ‘The Notorious,’ have always intrigued them.

Conor McGregor

Conor McGregor reveals the origin of his UFC nickname ‘The Notorious’

In an interview with JD Sports, McGregor disclosed that he used to be quite a troublemaker for his coach, leading to the inception of the moniker ‘Notorious.’ His coach saved Conor’s name as ‘Trouble’ in his contact list, fittingly encapsulating his dynamic personality.

Furthermore, McGregor shared his admiration for the legendary rapper Notorious B.I.G., whom he considers a profound influence. He has frequently used B.I.G.’s songs as his entrance themes, even dubbing them his ‘war songs.’

One such song, “Hypnotize,” stands among the many tracks that have accompanied McGregor into battle, revealing the significant connection between his nickname and his profound love for the rapper.

In February 2020, Conor McGregor collaborated with the apparel giant Reebok for a promotional advertisement. Following the shoot, during an interview, he was questioned about the origins of his nickname, ‘The Notorious.’ In response, McGregor shared the story behind the moniker, shedding light on its intriguing inception.

“‘The Notorious’, well, I’m notorious for getting into a little bit of trouble, you know? My coach called me that back in the day, and he had (my name) saved in the phone as ‘trouble’, you know. So, it just kind of stuck, you know.”

Bruce Buffer once uniquely announced Conor McGregor

Renowned for his captivating voice and mesmerizing fighter introductions inside the electrifying UFC octagon, Bruce Buffer is a true icon of the sport. Throughout his illustrious career, he has thrilled fans with countless spine-tingling moments, but one incident, in particular, left the entire audience in awe.

Among the roster of fighters, the charismatic announcer shares a special bond with none other than the legendary ‘Notorious’ Conor McGregor.

During a spectacular event, Bruce astounded everyone by uniquely introducing McGregor as ‘the one and only,’ a phrase he had never uttered for any other fighter before, showcasing the unparalleled rapport between the two dynamic personalities.


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