WWE NXT start stretched out of arena after botched move leaves him in a pool of blood

On WWE NXT this week, the WWE Universe witnessed a brutal match between Bron Breakker and Von Wagner. At the end of the match, Breakker left his opponent beaten and bloodied, leaving the WWE Universe in shock. Former NXT Champion Bron Breakker faced off against Von Wagner in a no-disqualification match on NXT this week.

The intense showdown between the two competitors ultimately ended with Breakker emerging victorious. However, he didn’t stop there. Following the match, Breakker continued his assault on Von Wagner, resulting in the injured superstar being stretchered out of the arena by medical personnel and taken to a nearby medical facility.

Von Wagner injured by Bron Breakker

Bron Breakker defeated Von Wagner in a no-disqualification singles match last night on WWE NXT. However, the former NXT Champion didn’t stop there. He picked up the steel steps and smashed Wagner’s head while he was already unconscious on the floor.

Despite the TV feed being cut off to prevent the NSFW moment from being captured on live television, fans who were present at the show witnessed the entire incident unfold. As some fans may recall, Von Wagner’s ongoing storyline involved a babyface turn and included a story from his childhood when he had to undergo surgery on his skull at only fifteen months old due to a medical condition. This childhood experience apparently led to significant bullying for Wagner.

Considering that his skull is a sensitive area due to the surgery he had as a child, it appears that Bron Breakker specifically targeted that area in his post-match attack on Wagner. The show abruptly cut to black just as Breakker was about to smash Wagner’s head with the steel steps. In an unseen video uploaded to X, Breakker could be seen causing a severe injury to Wagner’s head due to the impact of the steel steps. Wagner was left covered in a pool of blood, and medical personnel rushed to attend to him, wrapping his head with gauze.

Von Wagner injury update

After their no-disqualification match on WWE NXT last night, Von Wagner suffered severe injuries following Bron Breakker’s brutal post-match assault. Fans who attended the live event witnessed Breakker smashing the steel steps onto Wagner’s head, causing him to bleed profusely. Additionally, it’s worth noting that Wagner’s head had been highlighted as a sensitive area in his ongoing storyline.

This moment appeared to be unscripted, as even Hall of Famer Shawn Michaels emerged looking concerned for the injured superstar. Even the commentators, including Baron Corbin, were visibly shocked by this savage attack on Von Wagner.

Medical personnel wrapped Wagner’s head with some gauze. He was then stretchered out of the arena to a nearby hospital. WWE later commented on the matter, saying that he was being taken to a nearby hospital for evaluation and that they would provide an update on Wagner soon. This incident has caused a great amount of concern for the superstar among the WWE Universe, who fear the worst for him.

Some even said that they were hoping the NXT superstar was okay, but looking at his injury, they could only assume the worst. With the entire WWE Universe witnessing such a brutal moment on live television, they can only wonder what’s next. We can only hope that Von Wagner is in a stable condition. Stay tuned for the further updates on the WWE NXT superstar.


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